Fruity Moons

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The stress of regionals is really getting to the troupe, as Kingston got kicked off the team as his grades at school were extremely low. And his mom removed him from the team, but if his grades go up, he can return to a-troupe before regionals.

And because Kingston and the team are helping him get his grades better, the team is falling apart, without him, they can't compete at regionals or they'll get disqualified.

Now everyone is counting on Kingston to pass all of his exams.

So because of it, Piper's been stressing out ever since he got kicked off the team.

To get her mind of the drama from the troupe, her and Finn are currently in Shakes and Ladders hanging out together playing card games while they drink their smoothies, while Kingston is at the edge of the table revising over some notes for his history exam.

"See! I told you this would make you feel better Pipes." Finn exclaimed as she chuckled and she sipped on her drink.

Piper turned at him and smiled. "Thanks Finn."

"This has made me feel so much better from the stress and anxiety of regionals coming up next week. I guess I'm just worried of not landing my aerial.." Piper sighed.

He looked at her and touched her embrace as he smiled. "Pipes, I promise you! No matter what happens on that stage, you will land it, you've already mastered it by now. You're in the contemporary round, you should be so proud of yourself!" He exclaimed as he calmed her.

Piper smiled softly and grit her teeth nervously.

Then literal seconds later Ozzy entered in and gave Kingston a dead eye.

It was beginning to get tense as he slammed his books in frustration and got off and scoffed, then rolled his eyes at Ozzy.

He huffed and stormed out of Shakes and Ladders and didn't look back.

This tipped Piper out of the edge as she sighed deeply. "I can't deal with this drama anymore, it's stressing me out so much."

It was so frustrating..

Finn touched her arm as she got up and fidgeted with her ring. "Pipes, look it's just them both being assholes, just sit down and calm down. You don't need to be stressing."

She shook her head. "Well if he didn't ditch school like normal people do, this wouldn't be a problem okay? I gotta go now, I need to practice."

He grabbed her hand as she shook it off. "Why don't we hang out after rehearsals? It will hopefully get your mind of the drama from the studio."

"Thanks, but I need to rehearse for regionals. No distractions. I'll see you later Finn."

And with that, Piper grabbed her juice and walked out as Finn exhaled and ran his hand through his hair. He is really worried.

He can't cope seeing her like this.

An hour went past, and Finn was wondering around Studio A as Finn was pretty much regionals ready, but with Piper, she didn't think she was even far from it.

Then Richelle entered Studio A as she'll be practising last minute regionals dances, her and Richelle seem to be great friends, they started at the studio together, the two small duos, and are master at contemporary.

So he wouldn't think to ask her about Piper, so he can find more info about her.

"Hey Finn!" She exclaimed as she took her pointe shoes out of her dance bag as she walked towards him and continued to put them on.

"Hey!" He walked towards her and sat next to her, surely she knew something was up, as she was already getting suspicious.

Richelle looked up at him confused next to him as she continued putting on her shoes. "Um, Finn, are you okay?"

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