Dentro si scatena una guerra

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Translation: A War Brews With In in Italian

 Cyrus and Olivia are walking inside the Queen house behind the brunette they saved that they found out was Tommy Merlyn. Following the boy inside they hear Oliver say "I've been in a courtroom before mom" causing Tommy to smirk as he bursts in "Four times by my estimate. There's the DUI, the assault on that paparazzi douchebag, Stealing that taxi, which was awesome by the way, and who could forget peeing on a cop." As he finishes naming the list laughs are heard causing everyone to turn their head to a laughing Cyrus and Olivia who is hitting Cyrus' shoulder to tell her to shut up as she holds back her own laughs. "I'm sorry. Look I'm so sorry but peeing on a cop, really?" Cyrus says, ending her laughing fit looking at Oliver questioning. "It just happened, besides it's in the past, i'm a changed man now." Oliver says with a small grin on his face. "I wish everyone would forget the last one." Moira says as Walter helps her put on her coat. "I'm not sure we've formally met, I'm Cyrus West, this is my bodyguard Olivia Blackthorne." Cyrus says, holding out her hand in which Moira shakes. "Well it's nice to see Oliver make some new friends, hopefully better." Moira glances at Oliver.

Cyrus and Olivia sit in the polls beside the Queens as Oliver gives his testimony. "There was a storm. The boat went down, I was the only survivor." Oliver says, stopping as he looks down. "My father didn't make it. I almost died. I-I thought that I died because I had spent so many days on that life raft before I saw land.When I reached it I knew that I was gonna have to live for the both of us. And in those five years it was that one thought...that kept me going." Oliver says ending his testimony. The judge rules for Oliver to officially be brought back from the dead, ending the trial.

Moira and Walter walk ahead of the four leaving them to congregate with themselves. "'d you meet Oliver over here? I mean...a week back and he's already got a girl on his arm." Tommy says cockily with a smirk on his face. This causes Cyrus to look at Olivia and Oliver before all three of them start laughing hysterically, leaving Tommy confused. "Sorry ... .uh I'm not a girl that's after him mainly because my wrist is extremely bent it almost reaches my shoulder." Cyrus says to Tommy causing a look of revelation to come across his face. "Oh...uh...sorry. Didn't mean to offend you in any way or anything." He stumbles over his words causing a look of amusement to over take the other three's faces. "You're fine honestly." Cyrus says to the Merlyn man.

As they get to the end of the stairs they come across Laurel Lance making Oliver awkwardly shift on his feet. "What are you doing here, and who are these two?" Laurel says looking at Oliver and then Cyrus and Olivia with her arms crossed. "Well I was just brought back from the dead legally and.." Oliver starts before Cyrus starts speaking. "I am here as a friend and before you become a jealous ex or whatever you are. Me, le homosexual, le lesbian, wouldn't want him." Cyrus says judgingly looking at women the same way she was looking at her. "Nice to meet you or whatever but I'm just here to do my job." Olivia says slightly standing in front of Cyrus for her safety in case the woman wants to start something..

The two females then walk past waiting outside for Oliver not wanting to be a part of whatever drama he has going on inside. The two get back into the car as Oliver walks out and starts driving away. Cyrus jumps out of the car as Olivia drops her off at the Glades saying she needs to be alone to do this as Oliver doesn't know she told everyone else his secret.

Walking into the building she finds Oliver climbing a rope that's extended from the ceiling. "Well sir, I might be gay but this is a sight for anyone. You're pretty good looking..., for a man" She says walking closer to the man. He looks down at her before dropping onto the floor causing a thud. "...I thank you for that. I always thought I was pretty good looking for a man that is." He says putting on a white t-shirt as he gains his breath from his back hitting the floor. "Where's Olivia?"Oliver asks, turning to the woman. "Outside watching around the building."Cryus says knowing Olivia would forever be in sight wherever she went."Wanna spar?" He asks, offering me a wooden chang xiao bang as he holds one in his hand. Cryus shrugs with a 'why not' expression taking over my face.

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