What the fuck happened?

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Sunlight cautiously creeped past the curtains and spilled into the quiet room. The only noise that followed was Rhys grunting as he had began waking up. A snippet of sunlight had fallen on his left eye, disrupting his beauty sleep and rudely awakening him. Although any negative emotions were rather quickly overturned as he looked down to see his beloved curled up against his body. Sleeping oh so soundly! His pretty and tiny hand grasping at the very fabric that covered his chest. It was adorable. Like a baby!

The Brit tried not to move too much as he dug around for a phone. He soon found his hand on the Americans ass, feeling around for his phone. He subtly bit his lip as he felt around, doing everything he could to not get too distracted. It took a few seconds, but he found Jonathan's phone and brought it above the duvet. He gently tapped the phone screen and checked the time; 10:03am. The lock screen the American had was pretty simple, although it described him in a way words couldn't. It was on brand for the American though, a beautiful collage of the many books he'd read over the years. The way it had been arranged was pleasing, presumably laid out from the oldest to the newest. It was wonderful.

The phone was quickly returned to where he'd found it, his free arm slowly wrapping around the American's waist and slowly bringing the others body closer to his. Feeling a significantly smaller body against his, one of his darling, was heavenly. His head almost curled to be closer to the other as his eyes slowly closed once again, drifting back off to sleep.

Everyone knows Sunday is a lazy day, so the estate was relatively soundless. Not to mention the hallway Jonathan resided in. Hours upon hours had passed and not a single peep was heard from the opposing hallway. They must've blacked out in the library after failing to find the exit. Even though it was very easy to find.

The peace was well deserved. Just what everyone needed for today. Peace and quiet, and a slow moving Sunday. No paparazzi, no flashing cameras, no stress. If this were every weekend, it would be marvellous. Sadly, it would never be like that especially due to the clashing of peoples undeniably busy schedule. Busy used lightly, the business would be drinking and such. Nothing all that important that a weekend away would disrupt. Not to mention those behaviours still carry over.

Jonathan soon found himself waking up, his eyelashes fluttering as he attempted to figure out where he was.. And who was laying next to him. Not to mention he'd just been hit with a painful wave of nausea. A soft yet uncomfortable grunt passed his lips before a silent yawn as he cautiously moved his head to figure out who this person was. It took a good few yet small shuffles to finally get a good view of who it was.


The Brit was still sleeping soundly, a pretty yet small smile on his face. Truly, he looked angelic. Although all of this felt.. Fast? Then again, this is exactly what the American wanted. It was everything he could've asked for. The contrast was never ending, not to mention he'd done everything he could to convince himself that he was.. Straight. Internal homophobia is wild, is it not?

Attempting to become free was almost impossible. The grasp on him was rather tight, giving barely any give. Well none that he hadn't already taken. The only way to get out was by waking the other up, but it felt rude to disrupt his sleep. Although, he had no choice.

"Uh.. Rhys?" Jonathan perked up, his voice was barely louder than a whisper.

The Brit stirred before his eyes fluttered open. His beloveds voice had woken him up, and rather pleasantly too. Those beautiful blue eyes fell upon the hazel ones that were looking up at him. That smile became a significantly wider.

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