Putting the pieces together.

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Monday morning slowly presented itself, although thankfully the Brit had closed the curtains so the sunlight couldn't get through into the room as well as locked the bedroom door. He didn't want to have someone sneak into the room for any unknown reason. How kind of him! Luckily for the American, today was a bank holiday. So no classes to rush back to or work to be done. Just an extra day for the weekend.

Before going to bed, Rhys had gone out his way to clean up any mess off the floor as well as fold up the clothes. He'd made sure to also clean up and dress his beloved too, making sure to not disturb his sleep. Taking a few pictures of him in the process. Oh he was precious!

A glass of water and two paracetamol tablets had been placed on the nightstand, Jonathan's phone had been placed next to it. It had been looked through, how could it not? Rhys had found a few interesting gems, ignoring his own pictures or screenshots of info on him, he found many decoy accounts on a variety of different platforms with each following just his account. As well as a few photos of a few articles of clothing the American possibly wanted, it consisted of some elegant suits, a few plain t-shirts as well as.. Some more lewd outfits. Looking at it, it felt more like he'd been sent them.. Then again, looking through his text conversations none of those images had been sent. Even looking through all the archived chats or deleted.. No sign. It must've been a conscious choice to take a photo of them, bizarre nonetheless. Blatantly out of character. Maybe they were taken with the intention of being seen? No, no, they were taken in August - it's October now. Maybe it was for an ex-obsession? Obviously taken under the presumption it would 'work out', which it clearly didn't. If it did, he wouldn't be here in his bed.

He did, however, find a profile of Jonathan's on Instagram that he did use and post on. It was filled to the brim with photos of different books he'd read that week, maybe a page or two he found inspirational or touching. An occasional photo of his study, or an aesthetically pleasing photo of the rest of his flat. How telling.

After the Brit had indulged himself in his beloveds digital footprint, he had retrieved his black leather gloves then stepped out his bedroom, quietly shutting the door. The once content Rhys immediately stripped his cheery expression to a more serious one. A gorey fire now burned in his mind as he wandered the estate, looking. Who for? Roald Walker-Burton. The one he held quite the antagonism against right now. What he did was unforgivable, unforgettable. It had to be dealt with.

The estate was silent, it felt like nobody had returned yet. It was clear they all had, though. There was a small mess at the front door, one which only those rich bastards would leave. At least they shut the door behind them, that's how low the standards were. That's how low the bar was. So low, in fact, it had broken through the ground and now lay with the skeletons of the deceased. Funny, is it not?

Rhys silently stood at the foot of the stairs, listening. He could differentiate every small detail in what he heard, he knew each one of them by breathing pattern. Bizarre. Some naturally breathed in a shallow way, others breathed like their lungs were about to collapse and needed to take in as much oxygen as humanly possible. That's what happens when you're forced around a group of wealthy fools for the best part of two decades, you learn strange ways to recognise them and differentiate one between another. As well as identify every little flaw in their character, but we're not here to dissect such things.

Then, he heard him. That little shit. He had re-entered the building, supposedly after doing a drunken hunt. It was surprising he hadn't shot himself. Yet, anyway.

"Ah, Roald. I was looking for you." Rhys casually revealed himself to his little nemesis, making it seem like a coincidence they'd crossed paths, "I just wanted to inquire about something, if it wouldn't trouble you."

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