Fixing Hearts AU!High School!Duskwood

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There he was. In front of that house as normal as the rest that followed them next to it.
Jake couldn't think calmly, his thoughts screamed throughout his brain. Had he really agreed to go to that girl's house? He barely knew MC and he didn't want to cause her trouble if someone knew the computer geek was going to her house.
He swallowed hard, noticing sweaty hands.
    <<Come on Jake, you can do it. >> He thought to himself, releasing a slight sigh.
MC had been friendly on the phone, so what was wrong? Maybe because he knew it was policeman Alan's house? He was afraid that maybe he would threaten him with the gun or worse: arrest him.
He knocked on the door, with two light knocks. Right away, MC's voice could be heard from inside.
    "I'm coming!" she exclaimed, in a tone that sounded cheerful?
The black-haired young man became nervous when he heard her. He had rarely heard her speak, not even that much when he returned her book to her.

The door opened and there she was, dressed in something like a goth or punk style, Jake was never good at urban gangs and understanding them. But at least he knew it looked good on her. He felt that it was not necessary to dress up so much, in the sense that she was not someone important and that she was in her house. He thought that she would be perfect in anything.
    "Hi Jake." she greeted with a friendly smile.
    "Hello MC," Jake adjusted his backpack, where he was carrying what he needed for the computer, "Am I late?"
    "Even sooner than I expected, I think." She gave a small laugh.
     The teenager felt embarrassed. He hoped he didn't seem desperate.
    "Come in, don't stay out." MC stepped aside and Jake timidly entered.

It didn't look like a cop's house, though well, he didn't know what a cop's house looked like either.
    "We are.... I mean-"
    "Alone? Yes we are."
     Jake's heart beat faster and faster. Jake's heart beat faster and faster. Lilly was going to be right about him in the end and that he was a fool for not knowing how to act around other people. But what would a twelve-year-old girl know?
    "Are you okay, Jake?" MC looked at him worried, removing his family and his mother, no one had ever looked at him like that. "Do you need anything?"
    "I'm fine," he smiled reassuringly at the girl. "The computer?"
    "I almost forgot you came here for that!" MC exclaimed embarrassed, her cheeks flushed red. The two of them could almost have a competition "Come, we have it in the office."
    "Alan's office?" Jake's voice got pitched, which made the girl find him adorable.That reaction was expected.
    "Well, you could also say study area," She started walking and Jake followed her. Next to him, she seemed much shorter, it was obvious that the teenager had grown a growth spurt in those years "it's where I do my homework-"
    "Or you download horror videos illegally," the boy tried to joke, not wanting to sound bored.
    "Don't remind me..." MC sighed. "I think I sat there for an hour listening to why I shouldn't use the Emule."
    "Emule? That's a virus factory. "
    "And the Ares?"
    "The same, but at least you didn't come across porn, they camouflage it with the names of horror movies and those programs are no longer used-"
     MC turned pale. Which made Jake understand that she had already encountered something like this.
    "I accompany you in the sentiment." he told her, patting her on the shoulder.
    "I didn't tell Alan about it, but it's going to stick with me forever."
     Her sad expression made the dark-haired think that it made her look adorable. Instinctively, he noticed her lips, which formed a pout. He looked away at the thought of what it would be like kissing them.
    "Are you okay?" MC noticed and he shook his head.
    "Well, you just told me no by denying it."
    "Oh, excuse me, it's... Well, let's just say I have a habit of observing every detail in people." The teenager looked away now to a change of feeling guilty. Jake didn't want to ask if she didn't look like she wanted to talk. "Okay, we're here. "
     She opened the door and found that it was more like a room honoring horror movies than a study room.
    "I assume this decoration is not Alan's." Jake began to observe everything in every detail, wanting to know the girl's tastes.
    "Guilty!" She laughed, "Alan told me that I could decorate the room however I wanted, so... I think he just wanted to be nice, but he didn't expect me to decorate it this way."
    "How did he react?"
    "Hmmm... I had a poster of the demon from the Insidious movie, right next to the door," she pointed to where there was now a Jason poster "he nearly had a heart attack after turning around, he made me take it down."
    "I already remember that movie," he looked at her again, surprised, "and you weren't afraid of him?"
    "Oh, yes, of course, but," MC smiled, it was a charming smile, which left him surprised "the real monsters are the ones that can hurt you, not the ones you see in a horror movie."
    "So, they're the people you should be careful about."
    "Well, of course, or do you think everyone is good?"
    "No, of course not." Were they really going to start philosophizing now? He was finally having a conversation with MC, he couldn't believe it himself. "But then I don't understand what you're doing talking to Philip."
   "Nothing! The computer?"
     MC hid a smile and walked over to the desk.Seeing the computer, Jake felt real terror.
    "What year is this from?"
    "Yeah... A little old, right?"
    "Well, the tower can still be saved for a year or two, but..." Jake sighed at the tube screen. How long had he had it? "How can you have this screen? You need better than this, MC."
    "Well, if it works, what's wrong?"
    "Now I understand why you spend time in computer class. "
    "So you've noticed too, haven't you?"
     Jake blushed, sitting back in the chair and trying not to think about what he had said. No. He hadn't noticed her. Absolutely.
    "Do you want me to give you the drink now?" MC chuckled, making him blush.
    "Yes, please."
    "I'll be right back."
    "Wait. And the computer password?"
    "Does not have."
    "Okay, I see there's a lot to do around here... "

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