Seven-We'll start with Jesus

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Dani's breath caught.

Her heart hiccupped and began to race. The air inside the small house sizzled with Josh's presence.

She swallowed hard, staring at the man she'd dreamed about for the last four years. The man who had a beautiful, sweet girlfriend who treated Dani's son like her own.

"I think that's our cue to leave," Parker said quietly, standing.

"You don't have to go," she protested, finding her voice when all three of them stood.

Caleb's gaze moved from her to Josh and back again. "Yeah, I think we do. No worries we'll come again soon."

"Come again soon?" Tanner echoed. "He sounds like the checkout guy at a hotel. We'll be around." He gave Dani a hug.

Caleb and Parker did the same.

"I appreciate you coming over." It meant more than they realized. Feeling Josh watching her, she fidgeted, nervous for no real reason. "Thank you."

Josh's jaw tightened, but he remained silent while their friends left. The screen door slammed shut, and they stood staring at one another. She waited for him to speak. But he said nothing.

"You're upset they were here?" she blurted once it was clear he wasn't going to say anything.

One dark brow lifted. "That's what you think?" A harsh laugh punctuated the question. "We were all friends, Dani. I'm not the kind of man who'd get mad because they wanted to check on you."

"Josh." His name was a breathless whisper, but seeing the spark in his eyes she forgot what she was going to say.

His gaze flashed with emotion.  "To be fair you don't really know what kind of man I am."

"I do. You're a good dad, honorable, dependable, strong." The words flowed.

He stiffened like she'd shocked him. Suddenly, he pushed away from the wall and stalked towards her stopping a breath away from touching.

She hummed with awareness. He was so close enough that she breathed in his scent. He smelled so good. She saw his chest rise and fall with quick breaths which matched her own.

"I don't know the rules." His voice was deep and his tone harsh. "To whatever game you're playing."

His tortured expression shredded her heart. It was her fault that he didn't trust her. Not his. "It's no game. I promise."

"You're making a lot of promises, Dani. You promised our son you'd show up tomorrow." His dark eyes pinned hers.

"I'll be there," she whispered, her heart racing.

"Will you?"


"What happened to you?" His gaze glittered a warning. "I want the truth."

Dani wondered where to begin the story, but it was difficult to think when he was so close. "Someone broke into my apartment last month. I was in the hospital. That's why I couldn't come to Ty and Annie's wedding."

Josh sucked in a sharp breath. "You were hurt?"

"It wasn't too bad."

"Wait." His brows pulled together and he frowned. "Someone attacked you?"

"I'm fine now." She didn't want to seem like she was trying to make him feel sorry for her. "That's why I didn't make it to the wedding."

His jaw tightened and he stared at her. "You told everyone you had the flu."

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