20-God wouldn't approve of what I've done

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"So before Julie showed up things were going well with you and Josh?"  Lindy asked.

Dani shifted the phone to her other ear as she crawled into bed. "There is no me and Josh. But yes, it was like we were friends again. Spending time with them, I felt like a normal mom. It's wrong, I know."

"You are a normal mom!" she said loyally. "Why do you think it's wrong?"

"Because Josh and Jacob aren't my family."

"I'm praying for all of you." Lindy released a long, slow breath. "He's not married yet."

"Yet," Dani echoed. "Thanks, Lindy. Sorry to call so late. I don't want to keep you but I wanted you to know Josh thinks you and Charlie should go on the camping trip."

"I knew he would. Josh is awesome like that."

Dani picked up on what she wasn't saying. "You don't sound thrilled."

"I want to go, but..." A soft sigh. "Ok, here's another secret of mine. My past isn't the only reason I don't have friends. It's hard for me to talk to people. I'm socially awkward."

"Everyone going with us is easy to talk to and you know them."

Dani could hear Charlie in the background chanting, "Please, Mom, I want to go!"

"Alright, we'll go. Thank you, Dani. For everything."

"You too, Lindy."

When she put the phone down, Dani got out of bed and kneeled to say her prayers. She wasn't sure if God cared where she prayed, but it felt right to kneel and be intentional when she spoke to the Lord.

"I want to start with thank you..." she began and then she poured her heart out to the Creator of the universe, taking peace in the knowledge that he already knew what she needed. When she said, "Amen" Dani got back into bed and tried to sleep.

The house was too quiet. She'd never felt so alone. What were Josh and Jacob doing? It was a silly question. They were in bed, probably sleeping, just like she should be but her mind refused to let her alone.

She was exhausted but restless. Finally, she closed her eyes and dozed off only to awaken suddenly when her ringtone sounded.

Groggily, she reached for her phone. "Hello?"

No one answered.



The line disconnected. Dani frowned, checking the number. She didn't recognize it. A terrible feeling covered her, remembering a time before when she'd gotten calls that went dead. No. It wasn't him. She was safe.

Her ringtone played again, taunting her.

"Who is this?" she cried.

"It's me, Dani."

She sat up. "Rachel?"

"I'm outside your house."

Dani swung her legs over the side of the bed not bothering to shove her feet into slippers. "You drove over here and called me?"

"I didn't think you'd answer the door without knowing who it is."

Rachel was right. She'd been terrified by a phone call. "Hang on. I'm coming."

"Hurry. I'm scared."

The fear in her friend's voice quickened her steps and she quickly reached the front door and opened it. Her gaze moved past Rachel, searching for danger but saw only tree limbs swaying in a breeze.

Unfailing Love (Heart Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now