the fall of a princess -- prologue

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The beginning of everything, and the end of an era.


Embers rose up high into the night sky. Several of them had spread around, creating a beautiful sight only rivaled by fireworks. Unlike their multicolored rival, the embers' fire had disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. It was all she could think about, her eyes refusing to move anywhere else. Not on the burning palace in front of her nor on the crowd of staff surrounding her – solely on the bright red sparks flying around.

"Your Highness!"

She felt a light weight placed on her shoulders, a warm hand placed on her soot covered cheek.

"Your Highness, isn't safe!"

She didn't move. Her shoulders were shaken by some force.

"Someone come help!"

Not a single word escaped her lips, her throat dry, begging for a single drip of water. Her mind only marveled at the tragic sight of the embers billowing out into the cold night sky.

"Shit..this is bad...move the Princess out of the way now!"

Suddenly, a large force held her torso up onto someone's shoulder. Her eyesight became raised far beyond her usual height. The force began pulling far away from the embers. Her arms stretched towards the flames in a desperate bid to feel the soft warmth of the embers once again. Words clammored to her tired voice, every single one of them screaming at the force to release her. Their screams mixing with the agonizing screeches behind the searing vermillion wall.

"Stop it! Stop! Please, please!"

"Princess, it's dangerous."

"Let me go!"

"You'd only get trapped in there like your parents!"

Snapping out of her focus on the embers, their appearances flashed in her mind. Suddenly, a new cache of screams found their way into her voice.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Stop fighting!" the force yelled back, her mind spiraling further down.

"Let me go, let me go!" she kicked, her fingernails gripping on the shoulder of her supposed rescuer. Darkness poked at the edges of her eyesight.

With one last whimper from her sore voice, she finally fell limp, succumbing to the overwhelming darkness. Tears streamed down her cheeks as sleep overcame her tired body.

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