I stepped into the house for the first time. The house was surprisingly clean. I took off my shoes and felt thankful to be able to stretch my feet from the long drive. I put on my slippers/house shoes.
At the entrance of the house, there was a giant chandelier. I looked up at it in awe. As slight wind seeped in, the crystals moved slightly, making a soft sound.
I continued to a hallway and went into the living room. It was very empty, but it did have some furniture. After I checked around the general places of the house, I went to ask my mom about my room.
"You guys can choose a room in the 3rd or 4th story," she answered, talking to Olivia and Rachel as well. I locked eyes with them. They locked eyes with me. We all knew perfectly well what we were all thinking; who will get the biggest room?
Me and Olivia ran to the 4th story. "HEY! I'M THE OLDEST I SHOULD CHOOSE FIRST!!" yelled Rachel, close at our heels.
I ran faster, beating Olivia by a few inches. I made it to the 4th floor with Olivia and Rachel close at my heels. I quickly glanced at all the rooms. I collapsed on the floor of the seemingly biggest one. "I choose...this...one," I declared, too beat to get up.
I heard Olivia and Rachel claiming their own rooms.
I got up from the floor to look at my room closely. It had a medium-sized bed, a desk, and a one-person couch to the side, next to the walk-in closet. With closer examination, I realized my room was in the East wing of the mansion. I peered out the window. There I saw a splendid view of all the other mansions and the distant mountains. I stared at the mountains yearningly. The city is just behind them.
I sighed and collapsed onto my bed. It was very soft and I let myself fall into deep sleep.
I opened my eyes. It was evening. I quickly got up and ran downstairs. My mom was with my sisters in the living room. She looked upset. "What happened?" I asked. She looked up at me. "Your dad just contacted the movers. Our stuff will be coming in four days instead of tomorrow," she said gloomily. "But why?" I asked, sitting down on the couch beside them. "Long queue," she replied simply.
To be honest, I didn't think it would be too much of a problem because in our suitcases we have most of the important stuff and there is some furniture in the house anyways.
"Meaning there is no way for us to cook food," she said, noticing the unworried look on my face. "Ohh," I said. I glanced into the kitchen. There was nothing to cook with.
"But we can order food," I said. She nodded and handed me her phone so I could order. Rachel and Olivia went to my side so they could choose what they wanted as well.
"Ma'am, would you like me to take the rest of the suitcases as well?" one of our maids asked. My mom nodded gratefully.
Our live-in maids moved into this house two days before us, mainly to clean it up beforehand. Of course, some of our old maids had to quit because of the move.
Now we have four in total; two maids, one cook, and one driver.
The cookies were ready and they smelled delicious. I thanked the cook and tried one. They were crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside; a perfect chocolate chip cookie. I put them all in a plastic container and went to the neighbour's house.
I rang the doorbell. "OH THE PIZZA CAME, MOOOOM!!" yelled a boy's voice. "JUST GO GET IT YOURSELF RIGHT NOW, I'M BUSY!" yelled a female voice back. I giggled softly.
A small blonde boy with heart-shaped lips and freckles on his face like stars in a galaxy opened the door. He blushed slightly, seeing I wasn't a pizza deliverer.
"Uh, hi! I'm Hyunjin...your neighbour!" I said, pointing to the left at my own home. "Oh," he said, smiling softly. "Well, I'm Felix," he added. I handed him the cookies. "I made them for you...and your family," I said. "Thank you!" he said happily. "Maybe I can show you around the neighbourhood sometime," I added, hoping that he would say yes. "Sure, I would like that!" he answered. I smiled. We said our goodbyes and I left, feeling incredibly accomplished.
I had a lot of curiosity about that boy. Which is sorta weird because of the fact that I only talked to him for 5 minutes. But even so, I still wanted to be his friend. Besides, he looks like a good person.
I entered my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. I looked out my window and saw my dad coming home from work. But then another thing caught my eye. Felix. In his room. He was on the fourth floor looking and laughing at something on his phone. I quickly looked away. I'm acting like a literal stalker. Even so, I just couldn't help but glance again.
A few seconds later, I heard the front door open and close, so I went downstairs to greet my dad.
Maybe this week, I'll get the chance to talk to Felix once again. Hopefully.