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1 year later...

I spent the first year of college with Hyunjin, and we're still dating. I got invited to eat out with my friends, which is where I am going now. I knocked on the front door of Hyunjin's house. We are going to the restaurant together. 

"Hey Lixie!" Hyunjin said, giving me a quick hug. He was wearing a untucked, plain, button up shirt, loose black tie, a black, grey, and white varistiy jacket, baggy black pants, chunky white sneakers, and finally for accessories a few rings (including a set of couple rings me and Hyunjin both have), necklace, and earrings. 

I was wearing something a bit more casual. I wore a long sleeved black shirt under a short sleeved striped dark green and black shirt, baggy black jeans, platfomed sneakers, a few necklaces, the couple ring, and finally some earrings.

I greeted Hyunjin's mom like always, and then me and Hyunjin went to the garage. We got on the motorcycle. We put on our helmets, and I held Hyunjin's waist for dear life. "I....I can't breath..." Hyunjin wheezed dramatically. I loosened my grip a little bit, and Hyunjin started driving.

The cool breeze hit my body harshly at first, but I then got used to it. Since it's the evening, it was a bit chilly even though it is summer. 


We arrived at the restaurant about 10 minutes later. We held hands and walked inside. Seungmin and Jeongin were already there, talking and laughing together. "Hi guys!" I said cheerfully. We sat down next to each other. "Hey, did you hear anything from the others?" Seungmin asked. "Nope," Hyunjin said. 

Seungmin sighed and took out his phone to text the others. "So Chan, Minho, Jisung and Changbin will come together in Chan's car." Seungmin said after he got a reply. "Ok," we said.

A few minutes later, Chan, Minho, Jisung, and Changbin came flooding in.

We all ordered some food and began talking cheerfully.

"Guys I have something to tell you all," Seungmin suddenly declared, making all of us stop talking and look at him. "So," he said glancing at Jeongin, making him blush a little bit. I think I know where this is going. "We're dating," Jeongin and Seungmin said at the same time. From the corner of my eye, I saw Minho smirk.

"Ugh great! Know me and Changbin are left with these lovebirds," Chan complained. "Ya'll can date then," Minho said shamelessly, making the two blush slightly. "Shut up!" Chan said. "Just saying..." Minho said. We all laughed.

"I also have something to say," I blurted out. Everyone stared at me, including Hyunjin. I hesitated. "I've decided to go to the city for next year," I said looking down at my plate. Everyone was speechless. But I could especially feel Hyunjin's gaze burning holes in me. I felt horrible ruining the fun and carefree mood like this. 

"Oh..." everyone said, well everyone except Hyunjin.


I stared at Felix, surprised at what I just heard. I felt like crying. He really is leaving me. But then again, I'm the one who wanted him to follow his wish to go to that school. Part of me wanted him to stay with me and have him all to myself, but I know that's the bad side of me and that is a very wrong thing to do. 

"Then let's make this summer the best one yet," I choked, trying my best not to cry. The worst thing I could do is make Felix feel bad about his decision. "Yeah!" said the others, also smiling. Felix looked at me with his big eyes and smiled widely. 

The rest of the time went by filled with laughter.


We had decided to sleep over at my house, so Felix was with me. We were laying down in each others arms ready to have sleep take over us. Felix broke the silence. "Are you sure you are not mad about what I said?" asked Felix soflty, talking about what his decision. 

I shook my head.

"Are you sure?"

I shook my head. "I'm happy you made a decision," I said. "We won't break up right?" asked Felix hesitantly. I looked at him. "No, why would we?" I asked. "We'll be far from each other...4 and a half hours." Felix said. I exhaled sharply. "It doesn't matter. We will see each other over the breaks and maybe we could visit each other if we're not too busy. For us, 4 hours shouldn't be too much. Besides, it'll only be for two more years." I said. 

"You mean 4 and a half," Felix said with a smiled. I smiled back, knowing he was convinced. Felix snuggled closer to me and I slept peacefully.


The next day, Felix and I spent the whole day together. We also planned on how we would work with the distance that would separate us from each other soon. 

"I could spend the winter and summer breaks here!" Felix said. "Yep!" I said. "I could also go visit you sometimes," I suggested. Felix nodded in agreement. "We could call each other every week too!" Felix said. "Every other day?" I asked, thinking that once a week is to little. Felix agreed happily.

After the discussion, I felt much more confident in the situation. I don't think it will be that bad after all.

A/N: it's almost overrrr 😭😭😭

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