I spend a while thinking about what I should do. I finally decided to spend a year in the college here and then if I doesn't suit me or I don't like it, I'll go to the city. Who knows, maybe I might like it here.
After I successfully came to the decision, I quickly called Hyunjin, keeping my promise to tell him about my decision before anyone else. "You came to a decision!?" asked Hyunjin once he answered. "Yeah," I said. "Alright them come over," Hyunjin said. "Alright," I agreed.
I went over to his house. One thing that's convenient of dating your neighbour is you can go over to their house whenever you feel like it. Realizing, or rather remembering, that made me feel grateful about that.
I arrived at his house in under a minute. The door was unlocked since Hyunjin was already expecting me, so I went in. I greeted his mom who was in the living room briefly and went upstairs to Hyunjin's room.
He was laying on his bed looking at his phone. He got up when he saw me and gave me a quick hug. "So tell me," he said anxiously. "Well, I decided to go to the college here for one year, and if I don't like it then I'll go to the one in the city," I said.
He made a look of relief. "I'm glad!" he said. "Yep, there was no need to fight the other day, okay?" I saw, looking at him tenderly. He smiled softly at me and kissed my forehead.
"Want to sleep over?" asked Hyunjin. I nodded. "Lemme let my parents know though," I said. I left the room so I could call my mom. She answered the phone on the first ring.
"Hi sweetie," she greeted. "Hey mom. Can I sleep over at Hyunjin's?" I asked, going right to the point. Silence on the other end. "Uh...is Hyunjin's parents there?" she asked. "Yeah," I said, knowing why she was asking. "Ok then yeah sure," she said. I thanked her and hung up.
"She said yes!" I said happily when I went back to Hyunjin's room.
Felix had to go back to his house to get his toothbrush, a pair of underwear, and his pj's.
A few minutes later, Felix came back. We spent a few hours playing video games together and watching movies together. Those hours were full of laughter.
We began to get tired so we went to my room. Felix climbed onto my bed. I turned off the lights and did the same. Once I got in the bed, Felix wrapped his arms and legs around me. I hugged him back.
I slowly opened my eyes looking around me. The room was full of light.
"Good morning," Felix whispered, surprising a bit. I looked at him with a smiled. "Good morning, Lixie,"I whispered back, pulling him closer to me. We stayed that way for a while before getting up and going downstairs for breakfast.
"Good morning guys," said my mom. There was waffles on the table. "Good morning," I said. "Good morning, Mrs. Hwang." said Felix, bowing. My mom smiled. "Did you sleep well?" Felix nodded. "Anyways, I was just about to go upstairs. Enjoy your food." said my mom. We said our goodbyes and my mom left, leaving me and Felix alone.
Not that I would complain.
We enjoyed our breakfast together and then we once again went up to my room. We talked for a little while about college and planned some small things we would like to do together.
I'm excited.
A/N: hi, sorry that this chapter is so short. I didn't know what to write. Next chapter will be longer. And sorry if there is mistakes, i didn't proofread 😅 anyways, thanks for reading and have a nice day ily <3