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two months later...

"Did you pack everything?" my mom asked as I came downstairs with my suitcase. "Yep," I replied. "Ok, well, you have an hour before leaving," my mom said. "Ok, I'm going over to Hyunjin's," I said. My mom nodded, and I put on my shoes and headed out. Halfway to his house, I saw Hyunjin walking to my house. 

"Hey," I said. "Hi Lixie," Hyunjin greeted back. I felt that the aura around us was different. Hyunjin looked at me sadly. I tried my best to smile. "Jinnie, we'll be able to talk and see each other often, besides it's not as if I'm moving to another country," I said, my voice cracking up a bit. Not only was I trying to convince Hyunjin, but myself as well. Hyunjin noticed this and wrapped me in a tight hug.

After a while, we let go. "Can I go with you?" Hyunjin asked. I had decided to take the trip by train. So basically I would have the driver drive me to the nearest train station, which is thirty minutes away, and go by train the rest of the way. The train ride would be a bit more than four hours. I didn't want to go the full way by car because I know it wouldn't be nice for the driver.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Let me drop you off at the train station...with my motorcycle," Hyunjin replied. I smiled and nodded eagerly. Truthfully, I was hoping Hyunjin would ask that because that would mean more time to spend with him.

Hyunjn and I went to his house and we spent forty minutes together before I decided to go say my farewells to my family and also tell them my new plan. I ran over to my house. My mom quickly answered the door and pulled me in for a big hug. "I'm going to miss you!!" My mom said sadly. "Me too," I replied. I hugged the rest of my family.

"Oh, and before I forget, Hyunjin is going to drive me," I said. "Oh! Then I'll go tell the driver, you go ahead," my mom said. With one last wave, I headed to Hyunjin's house once again. 

"You ready?" Hyunjin asked. I nodded. He brought both our helmets and handed me mine. We both put our helmets on and went on the motorcycle. As always, I wrapped my arms around Hyunjin's waist and he started to drive. 


After half an hour, Felix and I arrived at the station. We took off our helmets and headed inside. Turns out, we were twenty minutes early, so we sat down at a cafe located in the station. We talked a lot during those twenty minutes and it only really hit me that Felix is leaving as the train was just about to arrive and we were saying our officially saying our goodbyes. 

Surprisingly, Felix started to cry so I hugged him. Felix looked up at me, his arms still wrapped around me. And he kissed me softly, causing stares. However, neither of us cared for they didn't matter to us. We reluctantly pulled apart when the train pulled up at the station. Felix's big eyes looked at me tearfully. "I don't care if it'll be heaven or hell, but I won't leave you, okay?" I said, trying my best to comfort him. He smiled. I kissed him softly on his forehead and he finally left me and went to the train.

I didn't stop waving at him until the train and Felix were out of sight. He did the same. 

Turns out I never did leave him. 

A/N: I always update my books every day but yesterday because I was on a school trip (yay) to an amusement park! It was from 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. that's why I couldn't write at all. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this book.

Also since I forgot to write this at the beginning:

This book doesn't have anything to do with real-life Felix and Hyunjin. In real life, I do not ship them as more than a cute duo and best friends. We SHOULD NOT assume things about them. This book was purely made out of boredom and because I like writing. Again, thank you so much for reading this book! <3

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