Chapter 2

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The Weight of a Hero's Burden

Context: Izuku Midoriya Angst Oneshot


Izuku Midoriya had always dreamed of being a hero. Ever since he was a young boy, he had idolized the heroes he saw on TV and in the streets, and he had longed to join their ranks. So when he received his quirk and was accepted into U.A. High School, he was overjoyed. Finally, he could become the hero he had always wanted to be.

But as he began his journey to becoming a hero, Izuku realized that it wasn't going to be as easy as he had thought. He was surrounded by classmates who were stronger, faster, and more confident than he was, and he struggled to keep up with them. He worked harder than anyone else, but he still felt like he was falling behind.

It didn't help that he was constantly reminded of his shortcomings. Bakugo's insults cut deeper than he cared to admit, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his classmates didn't take him seriously. He was the "Quirkless wonder" who had only made it into U.A. because of All Might's intervention, and he feared that he would never be able to live up to the expectations that came with that.

The weight of his hero's burden began to wear on him. He was constantly exhausted from training and studying, and he struggled to find a balance between his hero duties and his personal life. He hardly had time to visit his mother or keep up with his hobbies, and he felt like he was losing himself in the process.

But the real breaking point came when he failed to save someone. He had always believed that heroes were supposed to save everyone, no matter what, but when he was faced with a situation where he couldn't save someone, he felt like he had let everyone down. He couldn't shake the guilt and the shame that came with that failure, and it consumed him.

He began to isolate himself from his friends and family, believing that they wouldn't understand what he was going through. He spent long hours training and studying, trying to prove to himself that he was worthy of being a hero. But no matter how hard he worked, he couldn't escape the feeling that he was always falling short.

It wasn't until he was confronted by his mentor, All Might, that he realized that he needed help. All Might had seen the signs of Izuku's struggles, and he had recognized that he was carrying a burden that was too heavy for him alone. Together, they worked to find a way for Izuku to balance his hero duties with his personal life, and Izuku began to see that he didn't have to do everything alone.

It wasn't easy, and there were still days when he felt like he was drowning under the weight of his hero's burden. But he learned to lean on his friends and family, and he found strength in knowing that he wasn't alone. He learned that being a hero wasn't just about saving others, but about taking care of himself too. And slowly but surely, he began to heal from the wounds that had been inflicted on him.

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