Chapter 4

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Shards of Worth

Context: Aizawa adopts Midoriya from his miserable home life. Izuku Midoriya who has never felt needed but just worthless as that was what everybody told him, he decided to show that he is worthy to Aizawa and starts to cleans the house until it all shined. Aizawa tries to stop him but Izuku insists on doing the house chores.


Aizawa Shouta stood at the threshold of Izuku Midoriya's dilapidated home, his heart aching at the sight before him. Izuku, a young boy who had never known the warmth of a loving family, had been subjected to a miserable existence. Aizawa had seen the bruises, the haunted look in his eyes, and he couldn't bear to let it continue any longer.

With a determined resolve, Aizawa made the decision to adopt Izuku, to provide him with the stability and care he so desperately needed. It was a daunting task, but he was determined to prove to Izuku that he was not worthless, but a child deserving of love and support.

As Izuku settled into his new home, the weight of his past still clung to him. He had grown up believing he was nothing more than a burden, and it was a notion that had been deeply ingrained in his soul. But within the walls of Aizawa's home, there was an opportunity for change.

One day, as Aizawa returned from a long day at U.A., he was taken aback by the sight that greeted him. The once neglected and gloomy house was now filled with light, the rooms sparkling with cleanliness. Izuku stood in the center, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Izuku," Aizawa began, his voice filled with concern. "What are you doing? You don't have to clean the entire house. It's not your responsibility."

Izuku met Aizawa's gaze, a determined smile tugging at his lips. "I want to help, Aizawa-sensei. I wanted to show you that I'm not a burden. That I can be useful, and I want to make this place better for both of us."

Aizawa's heart swelled with a mix of admiration and worry. He understood Izuku's desire to prove his worth, but he also didn't want to burden him with responsibilities beyond his years. However, he recognized the fire in Izuku's eyes, the need to feel valued.

Reluctantly, Aizawa nodded, his voice gentle yet firm. "Alright, Izuku. If it's what you truly want, then I won't stop you. But remember, your worth is not measured by how much you do around the house. It's about who you are as a person."

Days turned into weeks, and Izuku threw himself into the task of transforming their home. He scrubbed, dusted, and organized with unwavering determination, his actions driven by a desperate desire to be needed and appreciated.

Aizawa watched Izuku's relentless efforts, a mix of pride and concern swirling within him. He worried that Izuku was shouldering burdens beyond his young shoulders, but he also recognized the healing power of purpose.

One evening, as they sat together in the quiet of the living room, Aizawa spoke, his voice laced with warmth. "Izuku, I want you to know that I appreciate everything you've done for our home. But remember, I didn't adopt you because I needed a housekeeper. I adopted you because you deserve a loving family."

Izuku's gaze flickered with vulnerability, tears welling up in his eyes. "I... I just want to show you that I'm not worthless, Aizawa-sensei. That I can be someone you're proud of."

Aizawa reached out, his hand resting gently on Izuku's shoulder. "You don't have to prove anything to me, Izuku. You are already someone I am proud of. Your worth is not defined by the cleanliness of our home, but by the strength and compassion in your heart. The way you've cared for this house is a testament to your determination and resilience, but it's not what defines you."

Izuku's shoulders slumped, and he met Aizawa's gaze with a mix of relief and uncertainty. "I... I've always felt like I had to earn my place, like I had to prove myself. But I'm starting to realize that maybe I don't have to keep pushing so hard."

Aizawa nodded, a soft smile gracing his tired features. "You're right, Izuku. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, especially not to me. I chose to adopt you because I saw your potential, your strength, and your capacity for growth. You are worthy, not because of what you do, but because of who you are."

Izuku's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a mixture of relief and gratitude filling his heart. For the first time in his life, he felt truly seen and accepted, free from the constant pressure to prove his worth.

In the days that followed, Izuku slowly let go of his need to constantly prove himself through house chores. He found comfort in knowing that Aizawa loved him unconditionally, regardless of how spotless their home was.

Instead, they spent their time together bonding over shared hobbies and interests. Aizawa taught Izuku about heroics and honing his Quirk, encouraging him to believe in his own abilities. And as their relationship grew, Izuku discovered that his worth was not tied to his past or his accomplishments, but in the connections he formed and the person he was becoming.

The house remained tidy, but it was no longer a symbol of Izuku's need for validation. It became a space where they could both find solace, a sanctuary where they could support and uplift each other.

And in the quiet moments when they sat together, basking in the warmth of their newfound family, Izuku understood that he didn't have to prove his worth to be loved. He was cherished for simply being himself—a brave and compassionate young hero-in-training.

In the end, it was not the cleanliness of the house that shone the brightest but the love and acceptance that radiated from within its walls, forever reminding Izuku that he was not just worthy of being cared for, but also capable of embracing his own self-worth.

Note: And we're back to short chapter •_•...

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