Chapter 26 | PHASE TWO: Healer

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Gemini is lethal. He's dangerous, unpredictable and a fucking psychopath just like my father's wolf and my Grandfather before him.

I hate to admit it, to say it out loud or to even think about it but the painful truth of it all is that my bloodine has been cursed with the wolves rejected by the Moon. The wolves who the Moon deemed unfit for society but found the atrocities of my bloodline fit for such ravaged, uncontrollable beasts.

The things that my father, my Grandfather, his father before him and so many other men of the Black bloodline have done, surpass anything you could have ever imagined even in your most terrifying nightmares.

My bloodline has wronged the Mythical world so much that the men of my bloodline have been mentioned in History books as what not to be as an Alpha, what not to do as an Alpha — what not to say to the Moon Goddess in order to keep from being cursed.

Legend has it that centuries ago, one of the Alpha men of my bloodline rejected all of his mates that Goddess bestowed upon him, called Goddess out of her name and tried to curse the Moon herself with the help of dark magic. . . and because of those severely dumbass moments, my entire bloodline has paid for his mistakes.

Our anger, our rage, our fury — matched with the wolves who have been rejected by the Moon has made my bloodline one of the most feared in all history.

And Gemini was no different.

I used to think that I had a better control of him than my father or my Grandfather had on their wolves, that I would never turn out like the men of my bloodline, that my wolf would somehow become better, that I would never harm my mate, my pack or the people that I love like the rest of the men in my family — but I was so wrong.

So fucking wrong.

My rage is uncontrollable, my wolf's rage is uncontrollable. . . We're a danger to everyone around us and as I sit here in the corner of Mell's room again, heavily sedated to keep Gemini at bay, the poison rippling through me causing undeniable pain while Enzo sat next to me, still healing from the aftermath of what Gemini had done to him. . . I couldn't help but think that I'm not the best one to lead this pack.

I'm not the best Alpha to lead by Enzo's side, I might not the best man for Romello because if Gemini can try to kill Enzo, a man who's been by our sides since diapers, who's helped us through the ups and downs, the bad and the terrible — who has protected our pack from us, the only one to throw himself in the face of danger at any point to save us from ourselves. . . Than what the hell could Gemini and I do to Mell?

What would jealousy make us do?

What would fear make us do?

What would anger or frustration or our first big argument make us do? What would—

"Alpha Titus," My tumultuous thoughts come to a screeching halt as I hear Malachi call out to me.

Looking up from where my gaze had been locked onto the floor, I see him walking into the room with three other men behind him.

The three men that Malachi and Mathias had spoken about — the ones who in some weird way, both of my pack Doctors thought would be able to help my mate's dire situation.

"Alpha Titus, this is Alpha Xandar and Beta Logan of the Silver Crest pack and their mate, Patton." Mathias introduces, pointing to each of the three men and my brows dip a little in confusion.

Their mate?

I perk up a little when he says that. . . Eyes shifting between the three men.

"Alpha Titus, if I may?" Lunos Patton asks pointing to Mell and I nod, watching him carefully.

Claimed by The Moon (previously titled Alpha Titus)Where stories live. Discover now