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stxnfxrdsxmp I can't believe you're making me write this but I love you too much to decline😭 this is also younger stanford in his 20s.

Y/N had figured out that she was pregnant with her boyfriends child, Stanford Pines. After finding out she just went down to the kitchen, got something to drink and sat at the kitchen table zoning out.

There was footsteps that brought Y/N out of her thoughts about how to tell Ford. Speaking of Ford, those footsteps were his and he was standing in the doorframe holding an empty mug.

He noticed the zoned out look on Y/Ns face. "What's on your mind?" Ford made his way over to Y/N, sitting down beside her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Errr... nothing." She mumbled out.

Stanford cocked a brow, giving her a look that he knew something was up. Y/N just let out a mutter and leant onto him slightly. "I don't know how you'll react." He went quiet and then replied.

"I won't judge you about anything. Whatever it is, I will help you through it. You can tell me." Y/N just let out a frustrated and stressed sigh while crossing her arms.

She shoved Fords hand off of her shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Fine. You really want to know? I'm pregnant. That's what you wanted to hear." His eyes widened and his eyebrows raised at what Y/N had just said to him.

He stood up and looked at her, there was a hint of anger on his face. "What- what are we going to do about the portal? Can we even support and raise a child? Look at the pigsty we live in!" He gestured to the cabin.

Y/N let out a gasp and stood up as-well. "Stanford! We are trying our best! More like I'm the one trying! I'm the one going to work, I'm the one paying the bills! You're the one losing your sanity!"

The two of them fought for a good six minutes and now Y/N was standing near the door, slipping on her shoes and sweater, getting sick of Stanfords angry blabbering. "I'm going for a walk so you can think about all the things you've just said to me."

She opened the door and attempted to slam the door but it was blocked by Stanfords hand stopping it. Ignoring what just happened she started walking off, leaving Ford to follow her.

"Wait- I'm sorry Y/N! I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying!" He managed to catch up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist to stop her. Y/N let out a grunt, trying to push Stanford away but it wasn't working.

Ford kept saying apologies and Y/N eventually stopped trying to get out of his grasp. If he said one more apology she was going to lose her mind. "It's fine Stanford! It's completely okay! Stop apologizing!" There was still some anger in her voice.

She added on. "I have to give into your apologies at some point because you're my boyfriend, and I hate to admit it right now but you're too handsome to fucking say no to." Ford stifled a chuckle and mumbled something to her again.

"I'm still sorry."


Woohoo!! Another shitty Wattpad one shot. I didn't really know what to do but I tried my best. I'm so embarrassed to post this Wattpad cause it sucks ass. Sorry if it moves too quickly???

Stanford Pines x Reader (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now