Bugging You

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I'm half asleep while writing this so sorry if it's crappy. Older Ford. (C/B)=Cat breed, (C/N)=Cats name.

Stanford and Y/N had gone for a walk in the forest, it being the afternoon so the sun was slowly setting and it was getting colder, but not too cold. When they were leaving Ford had made her put on a sweater and bundle up a tad so she wouldn't be cold.

They were now walking in a semi-dark part of the forest, just light enough that they wouldn't run into or trip over anything. It was a peaceful spot, trees which were creating the darkness and some simple flowers in the grass.

Y/N heard a rustling in the tall-ish grass and stopped quickly, also stopping Stanford. He looked at the grass where she was looking and put an arm in-front of her. It was a habit of his, protecting her just in case. A few moments later a cat emerged and Y/N let out a quiet happy gasp and tried to push past Stanfords arm.

"Ford! Let me go! It's just a cat." She whispered to him in a stern tone but he spoke up. "It could be an anomaly!" He grumbled back but watched as she managed to finally get past his arm, slowly approaching the cat.

The cat tilted its head slightly, trotting towards Y/N as she crouched down and let it sniff her hand, watching it head-butt the hand she had held out. A smile immediately spread across her face as she sat down on the ground, her legs criss-crossed. "Look at it Stanford! It's so cute! It's even a (C/B). My favourite." She hummed.

"I still don't trust that cat." As soon as he said that, the cat moved its head to look up at him and made its way over. Ford tensed up since he hadn't really had any interaction with animals other than Waddles. And he wouldn't really call his anomalies that he studies, animals. And it's obvious why.

Fords eyebrows were raised as the cat kept on approaching him. "Be calm, dear. It's only a cat." Y/N reminded him, knowing how skittish cats and especially Ford were. He sheepishly knelt down and placed his hand out like she did earlier and the cat rubbed up against it, tail swishing slightly.

He nervously patted it, Y/N giving him an encouraging smile which made his cheeks turn a light pink. He shifted his body so he was sitting on the ground and the cat let out a purr and climbed into his lap, the cat showing its claws when doing so.

This action made Stanford bring his hands away from the cat, holding them up like he was surrendering. His lover let out a snicker and mumbled; "They're not going to scratch you, I promise." He had to put trust in Y/N (he always trusted her) and put his hands back to the cat, petting it again.

"We should name it (C/N)." He looked up at her, cocking a brow. Ford let out a thinking hum then answered. "Why's that, darling?" She moved her gaze away like she was thinking then looked back, giving him a light shrug. "It suits them."

"Well, we can't get too attached because we're not keep-" Stanfords sentence was cut off by Y/Ns eager voice. "Can we keep it?!" She had a large smile on her face, knowing how Stanford would get along with the cat and she had always bugged him for one anyways.

"...Fine." He huffed out, stroking at (C/N)s fur as they let out loud purrs in response. "Thank you!" Y/N came closer to Ford and cupped his face in her hands and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.

Every time she annoyed him for something, it would take him days to finally cave in. But this time he agreed with no hesitation at all. Maybe he wanted the cat too?

I wrote this without my glasses on so there may be small grammar mistakes also because my hands were shaking this whole time. stxnfxrdsxmp here you go bae !!! Sorry it's short.

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