A God For A Day

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On a stormy %!Mcduck family were onto another adventure to somewhere in the Sunchaser, everyone was freaking out of the lightning but Launchpad says "lightning never killed anyone" and Huey adds "Statiscally speaking..." suddenly and lightning bolt hit the Sunchaser and their was a flashing red light Launchpad assumes it was everything is fine light but asks "what if it is not the everything is fine light". Launchpad begins to panic and they all crashed into a big island and soon the storm was over.

Aiden: Where are we?

Huey: According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and... wait. This can't be right. I thought it was a myth.

Louie: What? What is this place?

Scrooge: Ithaquack.

Donald: What?!

The children were really amazed and wants to go check it out but both Donald and Scrooge won't allow them and asks Launchpad to start the plane, but he couldn't. He has to found what the flashing red light means he always say better than whatever the opposite of safe is Scrooge shouts "when have you ever said that?!"

Adien: Hmm. Might as well take a look around in Ithaquack.

Webby, Louie, Dewey and
Huey: Yeah!

Scrooge and Donald wants the kids to stay on the plane but Aiden already opened the cargo door and all five children were already out of the Sunchaser. Huey, Louie and Aiden were exploring and both Dewey and Webby were searching for clues about Della Duck, their Mom. When Louie was laying in the sun, Donald was in his light along Huey and Aiden, he grabs him then heads back to the plane and says "you don't know what's out there".

Aiden: What are talking about Donald? This place is great!

Louie: Yeah! What could be dangerous about a beautiful Grecian vacation island?

And all of sudden a God name Storkules hugs his best friend Donald and he looks at Aiden, Louie and Huey.

Storkules: Be these colorful creatures your kin?

Aiden: Uh... what does kin mean?

Huey: it means one's family and relations.

Storkules: And who would this flesh faced creature be?

Aiden: Hi, I'm Aiden... I'm Donald's adoptive nephew and the youngest of my brothers.

Huey: And who are you actually?

Storkules: Your uncle must've told tale of Storkules! Colossus of Corinth, hero of Heliopolis, and, my proudest accomplishment, best friend to Donald Duck!

Storkules did their secret handshake for Donald and imitate an explosion

Huey: The Storkules of Greek Legend is your best friend?

Aiden: Wait! Storkules is a God? That's so cool!

Donlad: A God "yes". My best friend "no" more like an acquaintance.

Storkules: Ha-ha! Thine tongue be as quick and mighty as, well, me.

Scrooge: (whispering) Donlad! Get the boys on board!

Aiden: Hey, hey, hey what's the rush Scrooge?

Louie: Yeah we just got here.

Scrooge: (whispering) We can't let him know we're here lads.

Aiden, Huey and Louie: Him, who?

Suddenly thunder was crashing and another God shows up out of nowhere and was always threatened by Scrooge at his presents.

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