In the Sun-Chaser Scrooge, Launchpad, the triplets, Aiden and Webby were on their way back to Duckburg from their another excited adventure, Aiden was working on his new spell so he can reach level 2 a flight spell that he can be able to levitate himself and fly around for fun even in combat it might be useful but was having trouble but keeps on trying. Louie is seeing how much treasure was worth when they founded back wherever they visited and Webby was writing her book.
Suddenly Dewey spilled some Pep and almost got into Webby's book and the treasure.
Louie: Careful! Good thing you didn't get any in the treasure.
When Dewey tries to clean it up with a priceless Andean ceremonial blanket that Aiden bought he says "Dewey! No! I bought that blanket as one of my souvenir and now it's ruined."
Dewey: Where'd I get this flatteringly colorful headpiece, you ask? The place? Pato Pisco. The time?
Aiden: Ugh, thanks a lot Dewey, now I have to wash it when we get back home.
Aiden then walks away from Dewey and then Dewey climbs up the to see Huey and Launchpad wants to know about his hat.
Huey: We are beyond lost and... is this compass a sticker?
Launchpad: (laughs) Stickers are for kids. Grownups call them decals.
Huey: Then how do you navigate?
Launchpad: Instinct. A keen eye, quick thinking.
Then he almost crashed into a mountain and Launchpad adds "And a cool head."
Dewey: A cool head? Needs a cool hat. Ooh. Not unlike this bold and daring chapeu. And the story behind it is equally bold and daring.
Huey: Do you mind doing whatever it is you're doing later? I'm trying to get us home safe and... this radar is an ant farm?
Dewey climbs down and sees Scrooge on the phone with Beakley and Dewey tries to tell him about his hat but Scrooge says "Not the time, Dewey." Then Dewey tells the story himself and climbs up the pile of crates and accidentally drops one of them and Aiden and says "Ow! Dewey!" Scrooge comes to Aiden's aid then turns to Dewey and says "Go and take that seat and stay put before something else goes wrong."
Scrooge: Are you alright, Aiden?
Aiden: Yeah, but I'm not badly hurt or anything, I'm okay, Uncle Scrooge.
Suddenly a big grappling hook made a huge hole in the plane and their was a bigger flying towards and pilot says "This is your fearsome Pirate Captain Don Karnage, welcoming you to our friendly skies. Prepare to be boarded."
Aiden: Pfft... "Captain Don Karnage" what kind of a pirate name is that?
Louie: A ridiculous one that's for sure.
Scrooge: Stand your ground. We will not give in to these rapacious raiders.
Scrooge got his action cane, Huey with a mop, Dewey with a shovel, Aiden with his spells, Louie with his fists and Webby with her material arts and when they were to fight they heard a pitch pipe and the whole pirate crew started to sing "♪ Yo-ho-yo. ♪ Yo-ho-yo. ♪ Yo-ho-yo. ♪" Suddenly more planes were coming out of the Captain Don Karnage's big plane and surrounded the Sun-Chaser while they were singing "♪ Avast ye lads who be faintheated. ♪ We rule these skies uncharted. ♪ Cruel and vicious hearties we. ♪ Who sail upon the skies and not sea? ♪"
Captain Don Karnage: ♪ Tis I who lead this fearsome crew! ♪ With dagger, swagger, derring-do. ♪ Handsome and fearsome and suave! ♪
Pirate Crew: ♪ He's the famous pirate Captain Don Karnage. ♪ Hoist the flag and weigh the anchor. ♪ Circle the ship and pull to the flank 'er. ♪ Hi-ho! ♪ He lives to plunder. ♪
Ducktales Retold: The Life Of Aiden Fauntleroy
Genç KurguI made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-year old human boy with a magical amulet similar to Lena's amulet but his holds a magical crystal inside that lives in Duckberg with humanoid...