Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire

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In Glomgold's mansion he and Scrooge were having a staring contest while Huey, Dewey and Aiden were waiting to go to the store but it was taking forever and Glomgold's butler escorted the children out and wait in the hallway and when Mark Beaks walked past them Huey was amazed. Mark Beaks was hanging out with Scrooge and Glomgold but they were too busy in their staring contest to notice. Back at the hallway Dewey was wondering around while Huey and Aiden were just standing and talking about the new guy that they walked by.

Aiden: Who was that Huey? And do you know that man?

Huey: Yes I do Aiden. That was Mark Beaks! Oh, man, I'm almost breathing the same air as him. (sniffing) Oh ingenuity.

Aiden: Wow, it sure sounds like you looked up to this Mark Beaks guy, huh?

Dewey: Come on, like we couldn't be young, influence, business people?

Huey chuckled of Dewey's statement.

Huey: Oh. Oh! You were serious? I mean I can Aiden as a young, influence, business guy with magic powers but you on the other hand are more crazy, irresponsible, fun guy than the serious, brilliant, successful guy.

Dewey: You don't know! At least I'm not the guy who just reads about people who do stuff guy.

Aiden: Easy Dewey, nobody is perfect all the time not even me.

Dewey: Well little brother I may not be perfect but I'm gonna be a big deal than Beaks in three years, top!

When Dewey was messing with the knight armor it collapsed and the butler got mad at him and Dewey says  "I'll pay for that in three years. I'm really sorry." Mark Beaks walks out of the staring contest battle between Glomgold and Scrooge with friendly jesters and then with not so friendly jesters.

Aiden: Mr. Beaks, I'm Aiden a one of a kind kid with incredible magic powers training to become a sorcerer.

Dewey: And I'm Dewey future astronaut president...

Huey: Can you sign this? You're my hero and I'm a genius!

Mark Beaks: "Genius"? "Magic powers"? You three, I like how much you like me! That shows real smarts! Come by to my offices and I'll hook you up with a tour. Maybe even an after-school job?

Mark Beaks sign Huey's Mark Beaks Teach book and both Huey and Aiden were excited about it, Dewey  not so much.

Mark Beak: internship starts maana!

Aiden: [turns to Huey] What does maana mean?

Back at staring contest both Glomgold and Scrooge's eyes were turning red, Glomgold starts grumbling that he hates the music that Mark Beaks put up for them and Scrooge thinks they should do something about him, Glomgold agrees and he wants some pie and when he hints the bell for his butler, he lost the staring contest.

Scrooge: Hah! See ya tomorrow, Flinty.

Meanwhile Huey, Dewey and Aiden were walking to Waddle, Mark Beaks's company and Huey was making a check list.

Huey: Let's see. Can do attitude, check. Professional posture.... check. Completed checklist,  check.

Aiden: Wow, I can't believe we get to be interns at Waddle for Mark Beaks!

Huey: Me neither this like my dream just came true.

Dewey: Yeah, I'm mostly doing it to show off this bad boy.

Huey: What is that?

Dewey: Oh, this? It's my super serious business briefcase. "What brilliant business secrets is he hiding in there?" Who knows?!

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