first day 😀

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Bre pov

? - bre bre get up , your gonne be late

Bre- okay okay I'm up ( sits up in her bed )

I get up and run to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed quickly before my ride gets here . After my shower I throw some clothes on and quicky put my curly hair in a ponytail.  I decide to not straighten my hair this year and embrace my curls . After I get done I run downstairs and grab an apple and water for breakfast

Bre's mom - baby girl you don't want no pancakes ?

Bre- thanks mom but I don't have enough time . And besides jade is probably outside waiting

Bm= bre mom

Bm- nonsense u know she always eat breakfast with us on the first day of school

Bre- but mom

* Knock on door

Bm- ( answers) jade what a lovely surprise, bre is at the table

Jade- thank you miss yde

Bm- how many times have I told you to call me justine

Jade- sorry thank you Justine

Justine- no problem

Jade-( sits at the table with bre) hey girl what's up

Bre- nothing much . Not so happy with having to go to school today

Jade - well at least we're meeting up with the group at school

Bre- I forgot about that

Jade - yeah , speaking of we have to go now

Bre- right by mom

Jade - bye Justine

Justine- bye girls have a great day


Jade and bre pull  up to the school to see Ricardo, Kylie,Isaac and navia standing around Isaac's car talking . They get out and walk up to the group

Bre- hey guys

All- hey

Kyile- I see you rocking the curls this year

Bre- yeah I wanted to change it up a little

Jade - are we all here ?

Navia - no were missing sky,bryanna , and savannah

Jade - speaking of have you talked to sky lately

Bre- no I haven't seen or heard from her since the last day of school last year . She was hanging out with her gf savannah.

Kyile- are they still together ?

All- ( shrugs shoulders )

Issac-  I guess we about to find out ( points to sky coming towards them ) hey sky

Sky- what's up 

Kylie - where's savannah

Bryanna- yeah you guys are usually together no matter what

Sky - where not together anymore . But I don't want to talk about it .

Issac-  why what happened

Sky- I said I don't want to talk about it now leaving me alone ( walks away )

Bre- I'm gonna go check on her ( runs after her )


BRE- hey sky ( grabs her arm ) what's wrong

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