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Kyle - what ?!

Sky- yeah she said since I let evina get away with everything  we're breaking up

Issac- well I mean you kinda did let her

Sky- really ?!

Issac - yeah

Sky - is that how you all feel?

All- yeah

Sky- but but how

Kylie- well she tooke over calls date , claimed to be your gf at the restaurant,  made brea move in the car , slept in the same room as you , kissed you,  and fat shamed your BFF and ex gf and you didn't do anything

Sky- your right , ima horrible person

Jade - not necessarily.  You thought you were helping an old friend but you helped the wrong one.  And now you have to make it right

Sky - but how , she doesn't even want me in her face . How am I suspose to fix this

Navia- idk but you need to fix ND fix it now before it becomes a bigger problem

Sky- fine but I'm gonna give her a chance to cool down rn .

Kylie- right well te girls are gonna go check on brea while the guys and sky stay down here

Boys - Kay


Kylie ( knocks softly) it's the girls,  can we  come in

Brea- yeah

Jade - aww baby ( rushes to hug her ) it's okay

Brea- but why does it feel like I did the wrong thing

Navia - heartbreak.  That's all. 

Kylie - you also probably didn't expect someone like sky to hurt you the way that she did

Brea - yeah.  I mean maybe I did over react but when she kissed sky and she didn't do-nothing.  It kinda broke me in half . I thought she loved me enough to say Sum. Then she called me crazy up here and I just lost it

Jade - well good thing is she feels bad and wants to make it up to you .

Brea - I just need a couple of days before I talk to her

Jade- we understand 

Navia - yeah take your time

Kylie - I mean she's not going anywhere anyway . She's kinds in our friend group

Jade - well your aloud to say no , but we're about to play some games on the TV and order some pizza if you want to join .

Brea - sure . Just give me a sec. I need to fix my face

Girls - Kay

Back downstairs everyone vit brea is getting the TV ready and grabbing blankets . While waiting on the pizza to arrive , brea finally comes down in some pjs with puffy eyes .

Brea - hey guys

All - hey

Brea - uhm what are yall playing?

Jade - oh we decided to watch a movie instead.  Come on

Brea - ( sits next to sky )

Sky- hi

Brea - hey

Sky - uhm if you don't mind can we talk . Alone

Brea - I guess . We can go to the kitchen

Sky - Kay ( gets up )

Brea-(follows her)

Kylie - hopefully they talk it out

With Brea and sky

Sky- they girls kinda talked to me to help me understand more about why you was upset and I just wanna apologize

Brea - okay

Sky- I'm sorry for acting the way I did . I should have took your feelings into consideration  but o didn't.  I hope you can forgive me and hopefully be my gf again ?

Brea- well I accept your apology. Maybe I was overreacting about some parts but overall I was upset.  But if you don't mind I would like to wait a little bit before we try to jump back into this dating thing .

Sky- oh yeah sure.  Take your time

Brea- thank you . If you want you can still stay in my room with me .just no funny business ( laughs )

Sky- promise ( smiles) is it too awkward if I ask for a hug

Brea - no ( leans in and hugs sky )

Sky-( hugs back and pulls away) thank you

Brea-( walks back to the couch next to Kylie)

Kylie- is everything okay?

Brea- yeah we made up

Kylie- soo does that mean yall are back together?

Brea- no , I need a little more time before we can get back together

Kylie- okay

Sky- uhm I'm gonna head to bed a little early guys I don't feel good.

All - okay

After sky leaves upstairs everyone continues to watch TV until it gets super late

Jade - I think we should all head up to bed . Don't we have plans tomorrow?

Brea- oh yeah last day until we go back to school .


Brea- good night guys

All- good night

In breas room

Brea- your still up ?

Sky- yeah i just been watching TV and tiktoks

Brea- well make sure you get enough rest we have a full day of plans tomorrow

Sky- yes mam

Brea-( slaps her with a pillow) quit it

Sky- uh I hope it's not gonna be to awkward with is broken up

Brea - it's not, we were friends before anything so we should be fine 

Sky- I just want you to know.  That I still have feelings for you and I will wait as long as I need to for you

Brea - really ? You won't run off with another girl

Sky- never ( stares at brea )

Brea - well thank you

Sky- can-can I kiss you , please

Brea-wh-a what

Sky- just as a good bye kiss . Just one

Brea - yeah  . Yes please do it

Sky leans in as brea meet her half way and connects their lips . They slowly make out as Sky slips her tounge  in brea's  mouth . Slowly Brea pushes Sky down on the bed straddling her waist as Sky's hands meet at her waist . Brea breaks the kiss and moves down to sky's neck giving her hickey after hickey. Sky flips them returning the favor to brea's  pale skin . Once they realize what their doing they break apart breathing heavily.

Sky- uhm

Brea- let's keep this to ourselves please .

Sky- yeah yeah forsure. But uhm did you , did you at least like it

Brea- can we not talk about this right now

Sky - then when do you want to talk about it

Brea- idk just goodnight ( rolls over and closes her eyes )

Sky- ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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