backstory chapter

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This is a backstory of sky and savannah 's relationship .  Btw savannah was not controlling  in real life I just made it up .

Back to the story

Tuesday , October 8 , 2019 

Bre- hey sky you wanna come over today ?

Sky- uhm sure  I really do miss  your mom . And those strawberries  she always make with the little dollops of whip cream

Bre- so I take it that your coming over

Sky- yeah , wait actually I have to ask my gf

Bre- savannah ? Since when did you have to ever asked her if you can come over ?

Sky- well she thinks I'm been spending too much time with you guys  and wants me to check in with her first

Bre- with all of us , or with me ?

Sky- you ( puts her head down)

Bre- how many times do I have to tell her I'm not interested in you at all. She doesn't  have to be jealous . And besides half of the time you come over is for my mom

Sky- and u told her that , but she doesn't believe me . Says we're to close to just he friends .

Bre- whatever , so are you going to come over today or not?

Sky- y-

Savannah- ( comes around the corner) no she's not

Bre- where did you even come from ?

Savannah- I guess she didn't tell anyone,  I have her location on at all times .

Bre- but we're in school?

Savannah- so, she' lucking I didn't put that chip thing on her so I can hear every conversation  she has .

Bre- okay I heard of a jealous gf but your just toxic

Savannah- am not.  When Sky asked me she knew what she was getting into

Bre- okay , you know what . It doesn't  matter anymore  have fun with her tonight Sky,  ima just invite everyone else

Sky- but I wanted to come

Bre- well then asked your body guard . Maybe she will let you come if she can stand outside the house .( laughs )

Savannah- actually  that's a great idea . Better yet I will be coming inside . So we will see you guys tonight  . Sky I suspect  you in class in the next 10 minutes

Sky- but class  doesn't start for another 30

Savannah- idc you will be in class in 10 . If you keep talking back I will drop it to 5 minutes . Okay

Sky- fine

Savannah- great. See you then ( walks away )

Bre- when are you  gonna break up with her ?

Sky - idk . Every time is try its like she knows and makes us stay around family and friends.  And I don't want to break up with her in front of Noone

Bre- I'm just saying,  this is not healthy  at all .

Sky- I know and I'm trying to break up with her

Bre- not fast enough  . Your time is up better go before she comes and find you ( leaves )

Sky- fuck ( rubs her head and walks away to class )

After school at Breanna 's

Jade- hey bre , is sky still coming?

Bre- if her master let's her ( smirks )

All- what?

Bre- I'm sorry , her gf. Savannah 

Kylie- wdym If she let her ?

Bre- when I asked sky to come over today  she said she had to asked savannah  . And before she can say her own answer here comes the wicked witch of the west . Saying she can't go and this and that . Then told her she had 10 minutes to get to class or else

Issac- wait how does she know if she goes to class or not  ?

Bre- she has a location thing on her .so she knows where sky is at all times . And she thinking of putting a chip on sky to hear every  single conversation  she has

All- she's  crazy ass hell

Bre- yeah

  3 hours later

*doorbell rings

Bre- coming ( opens door ) Sky?

Savannah- I'm here too ( rolls eyes )

Bre- what are you doing here ?

Savannah- we told you we were coming

Bre- yeah but your 3 hours late .  Everyone is already here

Savannah- oh well .

Bre- uhm I guess yall can come in .

Savannah- thank you ( walks by bre and goes to the couch )

Bre- are you okay?

Sky- yeah . I tried to break up with her again and she sat here and cried for 3 hours saying she's sorry and please don't  leave her .

Bre- so ,  you took her back ?

Sky- yeah , I'm sorry bre . I tried my best but for some  reason  she always gets the best of me and I end up cracking under pressure  and taking her back .

Bre- it's okay.  Come on let's go . 

They all sit around and watch movies for a couple hours in the living room  . They all slowly fall asleep  and bre. And sky end up next to each other cuddling . With sky laying against  the couch and bre's head on her Lap. Savannah  sees them and gets jealous  waking up the whole entire house .

Jade- what the fuck is going on ?

Savannah- bro were leaving , now ( grabbing sky by her arm )

Sky- hey  ( yanks her arm away )  I had enough

Savannah- wha , what are you talking about

Sky- listen  I love , I really do. But I'm tired of the toxic environment. The not being able to hang out with my friends and I can't even go to the bathroom by myself. 

Savannah-  fine , your choosing,  either me or them . And I can tell you and them right now that you are not  leaving Me. I know that for a fact

Bre- sky.  Tell her the truth.  Now before I do

Savannah- your not gonna do anything  bitch

Bre- oh really ( walks up to Savannah)

Sky- no ( grabs breas arm )

Bre- sky say the word and I will do it

Sky- no , it's time for me to fight my own battles

Brea- finally

Savannah- so what are saying ?

Sky- Savannah,  let's go . Now ( walks out the house )

Savannah- okay ( turns around to brea) it seems like your plan didn't work ha

After what seems like forever  , sky comes back in the door with tears streaming down her face . Slowly bre walks up to her

Bre- is everything okay ?

Sky- I did it , I broke up with her . And now I'm so happy

Bre- so why are you crying

Sky - she promised  she will make my life  a living hell

Bre-( hugs sky as they slide down the front door to the floor ) it's okay

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