relationship problems

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Everyone beside brea, sky and evina is  downstairs waiting on breakfast .

Issac- bro I need brea and sky to stop whatever they see doing and come make breakfast

Jade- what do you mean stop whatever their doing ?

Issac- uh , I didn't mean it like they are dating because their not and if they w were I wouldn't tell anyone like they told me to

Navia- give it up Issac you just told everyone.  Well the secrets  out their dating,  but they might be in a fight today

Jade - why you say that?

Kylie- the text she sent us last night.  She went to go sleep in a separate room while evina stayed with sky .

Navia - oh and u can't forget evina flirting with her all night either .

Jade - dang , I just found out about the relationship  and it might be over already ?!

Ricardo- that's impossible.  I mean they always use to flirt when they were just friends . I think their good

Jade - well we will see . Here comes brea now

Brea- good morning guys

All- good morning ( smiles)

Brea- why are you all looking at me like that ? . Issac , did you tell everyone me and sky are dating ?

Issac- why did you automatically assume it was me

Brea- ( raises her eyebrows)

Issac- fine it was me

Jade - how are you guys btw

Brea- well ,besides  evina flirting with her all night , claiming her as her gf at dinner , and them sleeping in the same room it's fine .

Navia - it doesn't sound fine . We're hear if you need to talk

Brea -thanks

Sky / evina - ( comes downstairs) gm


Sky- (walks up to brea ) can I talk to you alone

Jade- if your trying to secretly kiss theirs no need.  We all know

Sky-( looks up ) who-

All-issac !!

Issac- okay okay I get it ima blabber mouth ( pouts )

Ricardo- not to change the subject , but I'm hungry

Sky- right.  I'm gonna go start breakfast  ( looks at brea ) do you wanna help me

Brea- ( looks away) I'm good .

Navia- come on brea , you make the best pancakes .

Sky- hey !

Navia- you know it's true . Last time you tried to make them it was more pancakes on the ceiling than the plates

Sky- whatever( walks away)

Navia - brea ?

Brea- I know what your trying to do

Navia - and it seems like It's working

Brea goes to the kitchen to find sky taking out ingredients  for breakfast.  She walks pass her and to the fridge to get out the eggs and butter. As brea goes tries to the make the pancakes batter ,sky tries to get her attention but fails .

Sky- brea, baby, baby, baby girl

Brea- ( ignores her and turns around to grab the pan )

Sky- come on , please talk to me I can't live like this

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