Boston outskirts - Chapter One

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ellie slowly awakes from her sleep and starts to stir, sitting up and rubbing her face.

Ellie turns around towards us as I stay seated, fidgeting with my gun, just incase.

She seems startled by us staring at her and she stands up and mutters a sarcastic, "morning."

She stands up and sees the gun Joel has pointed at her and leans back, looking slightly scared.

"They've been watching you basically all night." I state as I break the some-what awkward silence.

I never really sleep often these days, I don't like being un-protected like that so I normally just find it easier to stay awake.

"Do I look infected?" ellie says, slightly annoyed.

I go to say something but Joel cuts me off, "show us your arm."

I stay silent as Ellie reluctantly shows us her arm.

"She doesn't look infected to me." I state simply.
"Well no shit." Joel replies.

I cross my arms looking extremely annoyed, "um, rude." I state loudly.
But he just gives me a scowl then ignores me.

"Yeah it's not getting any worse is it." Ellie scoffs

Joel and Tess just give each other a suspicious glance as I give Joel a glare.

"If we are out in the open city, why aren't we getting swarmed?" She asks curiously.
"Don't you worry about that." Joel says quickly, shutting her down quickly.
"Well I'm gonna." She replies with a bit of fear in her voice.

"There's not loads of infected round here, it's pretty calm. But that doesn't mean we should keep our guard down, there will definitely be some sooner or later." I reply trying to be helpful.

"Thank you." Ellie says turning to me, exaggerating her movements a bit. "See Joel, now that's helpful."
She mutters standing up.

"What's Marlene doing with an infected kid?" Tess asks sternly.

Honestly I'm wondering the same thing.

"I'm not infected.." she stays silent for a moment then gives a sigh, "Marlene found me after I was bit."

"And she didn't shoot you?" Joel asks, with heaps of mistrust in his voice.

"Clearly not." I reply mockingly as I shoot him a glare but he just ignores me.

Ellie just continues speaking. "Marlene had her guys test me everyday."

"Test you how?" Tess asks.
"I have to pee" Ellie says ignoring the question.
"Test you how?" Tess says louder than before and I give a glance towards Joel but he didn't see me.

"They'd make me hold out my hand and count to ten, but you know what really impressed them? The fact that I didn't turn into a fucking monster." Ellie replies sarcastically. "Now can I please pee?"

As she stands up Tess holds her gun at Ellie and I stand up too. "Put the gun down." I say to Tess sternly.

"Or what?" She replies seriously. She sighs and reluctantly says, "Fine, find a space back there."

"Is there gonna be anything bad out there?" She asks.
"Just you." He replies sarcastically.

I can't help but give a small laugh at the comment and Ellie glares at me then walks away as I mouth her a 'sorry.' I look over to Joel and he seems very proud of himself and happy with my reaction, yet he tries very hard to hide it but I can see right through him.

She walks off out back and I cross my arms and turn to look at the two adults.

"Would it kill you to not scare her to death?"
"Would it kill you not to annoy me to death?" Joel replies rudely.
"Ouch." I reply sarcastically as I hold my hand to my heart.

Joel sits back down on the bench as his hand starts to shake slightly as he looks at it. I look down at his, very hurt hand and give him a concerned glance.

"You okay?" I say as I go to reach instinctively to his hand to take a look at it but he pulls away. "Sorry.." I mutter as I look at him.. and he seems to be blushing slightly? I guess out of embarrassment.

I put my hands back on the bench beside me and I catch Tess looking at me.

"What?" I ask looking at her as she has a sly smirk on her face. Joel quickly gives her a warning nudge with his elbow and mutters something.

"What?" I say very confused, as I raise my voice a bit.

They both ignore my question as Joel says, "Maybe a hairline, it'll heal fast" he says dismissively, gesturing to his hand.

"you don't have a black eye. that's at least good." he mumbles, referring to the FEDRA dude who punched me in the face yesterday.

"yeah. just hit my nose, not broken so i'm fine."
i shrug and he nods.

Date finished- 8/5/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 817 words

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