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—  𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗𝙳𝚛𝚘𝚙 ‹𝟹

 𝟕◟ 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝟭 ◞ ₊˚⊹♡—  𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗𝙳𝚛𝚘𝚙 ‹𝟹

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"Ten minutes, he just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman!" Kai exclaimed, looking deep down into the water where Zane was meditating before pulling out a golden pocket watch. Cole and Jay watched as well, meanwhile [Y/N] found herself beside them but not paying any attention to the white ninja, rather her shadow casted on the ground. "Should I tell Master Wu what happened?" She wondered to herself, recalling being stuck in the shadow. It would be a lie if she had told anyone she did not fear using her element after what had happened with Zane a few days ago. "Amazing!" Cole gasped, "We're not worthy," Jay then stated."I broke the record?" Zane asked after he swam up to the top and gasped for air. "You destroyed it!" Kai cheered.

The ninjas snapped [Y/N] out of her thoughts, "Good job Zane, you never fail to amaze me," [Y/N] clapped and Zane smiled from all the compliments and praise he was receiving."Okay, okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished." Jay put both of his hands on Kai, and [Y/N] should bring them both closer to him.

All the ninjas then recalled moments in the past when they were training their hardest. Kai ran across several hot coals, Jay doing a handstand on a metal rod during a lightning storm, and Cole lifted a bunch of barbells only to add on more weights before lifting it so he could get strong, and finally [Y/N] sitting in a dark room attempting to create a dark shadow with nothing cast already.

[Y/N] guiltily looked down remembering that she had not succeeded in that portion of her training.

Zane then got out of the water, and [Y/N] threw him a towel. "The question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane suggested, and they all headed inside Destiny's Bounty only to find Wu. "Well, every morning I do five hundred push-ups with [Y/N]," Zane mentioned and [Y/N] smiled, "Ya, not just that though! We also did one hundred jumping jacks, along with a possible run," [Y/N] went on.

"Five hundred? Ha, try a thousand." Kai mocked, and Zane snickered, "We will go at our own pace thank you though," Zane responded to Kai."Hahaha, I do a thousand and one." Jay then teased Kai."What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up. Sensei, what does True Potential look like if—" Cole walked over to Wu who was putting away a katana.The ninjas then all realized that they were rudely interrupting their Sensei, and they all bowed their heads, apologizing, "Our apologies, Sensei. We've interrupted you." Zane excused, and Wu answered "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd has gone missing. What can I help you with?" He sighed.

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