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[Y/N] had gone to bed early that night, falling asleep quickly

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[Y/N] had gone to bed early that night, falling asleep quickly. About an hour later beginning to dream, [Y/N] opened her eyes to see that she was in the Monastery. "Oh, I'm here," she started looking around. [Y/N] then started to hear the loud screaming she did back when Garmadon showed her the memory of Wu destroying the scroll.

[Y/N] got up and ran around the Monastery slamming doors open, trying to find the screaming.

As [Y/N] whipped the last door open and took a step back when she saw something in the room. "W-What are you!" [Y/N] screamed, looking at a purple and black blob, that was levitating in the air. There was a pause, [Y/N] heart pounding. She hadn't even realized that the screaming at stopped.

"What-" She got cut off by a raspy deep voice. "I am the very thing that has been living in the darkest part of the shadow for hundreds of years." The voice echoed, "I am what makes the shadow so powerful," it added.

"Wait, inside the shadow? Have you seen my mother, her name is [M/N], [L/N], she got lost inside the shadow seventeen years ago." [Y/N] asked hopefully.

"[M/N], [L/N]" The voice laughed, before it flew in-front of [Y/N], "Hum, so you are her daughter," it hummed, "Interesting," it stated. "So then you are the new master of shadow," It mentioned and [Y/N] nodded.

"Well, to answer your question, yes I did." It replied, [Y/N] eyes widened, "Is she alive?" [Y/N] asked, "Oh, you don't know already? Sensei Wu must have really lied to you then," it chuckled and a horrified expression appeared on [Y/N] face. "Did he lie, again?" She wondered. No, he couldn't have, not after everything that had happened, her whole body began to shake, she didn't know if it was right to listen to whatever it was. "Don't you want to know what happened to her," The voice led persuading her to say yes.

"Y-Yes," [Y/N] stuttered and then it cackled loudly before. "As you wish," it laughed disappearing. The room was then quiet, nothing in sight, [Y/N] stood in guilt for saying yes. What would Sensei think of this? [Y/N] then felt a sharp burning pain at her feet, she looked down to see that they were sinking into a shadow below, "Huh?" She tried lifting her leg up, but failed, her body sinking into the shadow, "What..." she tried to get out, but was too late.

After being completely submerged in the shadow unable to see a thing, she saw a light inside the dark shadow, [Y/N] stepped towards it, and as she got closer got a clearer view of it. It looked like a mirror, but inside was a memory. [Y/N] went to touch it, and as soon as the tip of her finger made contact with it, there was a bright blinding flash of light. [Y/N] gasped when she could finally see, she was inside the memory.

[Y/N] was still in the Monastery, but all alone. [Y/N] flinched when she heard a voice, "Wu get away from my child!" [Y/N] heard, was that her mother?

[Y/N] followed the voice and entered another room, seeing Wu, and her mother who was sitting on a mat. [Y/N] spotted her younger self Wu's arms. "You are only a danger to her life, the darkness will consume her too!" Wu admitted, "Wu! Please don't do this!" She cried looking at her hands that had turned completely black. 

Wu then put younger [Y/N] down and walked over to [M/N]. "If you truly love your daughter, you will stop the darkness before it consumes you both," He argued softly, "I-" She choked looking over at [Y/N]. "There has to be another way," she pleaded, "There is," Wu sighed, getting back up, and picking up [Y/N], "But I am afraid that is not an option," Wu said walking to the door, and [M/N] gulped. The darkness continued to consume her body, travailing from her arms to her neck.

Wu then stepped out of the room closing the door, before creating some sort of golden shield around the room locking [M/N] in.

"I'm sorry [M/N]," he mumbled before walking away and placing [Y/N] in another room. That is when the screaming started, making baby [Y/N] cry. Her mother screamed from the room the darkness consuming her. What made the process so painful was that the shield that Wu put around the room, burned the darkness destroying it as it became part of her, at the same time destroying her.

"Mom," [Y/N] mumbled looking at her mother in pain.

There was then another bright flash and she was back in the Monastery, the black and purple blob in front of her again laughing. [Y/N] felt hot tears starting to stream down her face in anger and sadness.

"Oh, poor [Y/N], who knew that your Sensei was a killer." The voice darkly spoke. "See you in the morning [Y/N]." It whispered before [Y/N] woke up panting and in a cold sweat, the ninjas standing around her bed.



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