💖Lefty x reader

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I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I've been in my TMNT phase and it's hard for me to write for a fandom I'm not hyperfixated on. I figured I'd try and get a new oneshots out since I'm not really doing anything right now! Hope you all enjoy! ~Skullie

Warnings: None

Your POV:

Today was going to be my fourth day working at the newest Freddy Fazbear location, and it was going to be nerve wracking to say the least. I was the mechanic for all of the animatronics and would also deal with salvaging after the owner checked the robots that appeared in the back alley. Today was going to be the day I worked with Lefty the bear, seemingly the most aggressive of all the animatronics I've ever worked with. Most of the boxes on his sheet were checked, and surprisingly I didn't see the owner of the establishment laying on the floor unconscious like when that Circus Baby animatronic was scrapped. Thankfully, he was awake and well when I walked in the "Scrapping Room".

"Y/N! There you are, glad to see you alive and well," Michael then turned to Lefty, "Our friend here is ready for inspection. Please be sure to leave before midnight, I wouldn't want you to get stuck here for the night."

"Of course, sir! I'll get done as soon as I can!" I was very nervous about this. He seemed fairly ok from the outside, but I was also just standing in the doorway and needed to move him into better lighting. I doubted that would be fun.

"Great! Be careful, alright? You're one of my best workers, after all. Goodnight Y/N."

"Night!" As Michael left the room, I turned to Lefty, finding he had moved slightly to look at where Michael was previously standing.

"Alright, Lefty, I know you can hear me. Just know that I don't want to hurt you, ok? I'm just here to look you over and see what's broken. I'm gonna need to move you, ok?" I knew he wouldn't respond, none of the robots ever did, but I still said it aloud. I said it to the others, too, even the ones on stage and throughout the pizzeria whenever I needed to work on them.

"Ok, let's see if I can find a way to move you..." I turned to the far wall in front of Lefty in an attempt to find something to move Lefty with, but what I didn't expect was for him to silently moved to stand next to me, staring down at me with his golden eye.

"AHh what the fu-" I jumped when I first saw him, but I quickly stopped myself from swearing.

"O-Ok then...um, I guess your just gonna follow me then?" Lefty never moved when I blinked, but I grabbed my stun gun from my belt as a just in case. I walked out of the door and Lefty followed close behind me. I didn't see the glares he sent my coworkers, but I saw them all get really freaked out as we walked by.

"Alright, could you stand right here for me please?" Lefty did as he was told as we entered parts and service, which was basically just my workshop for fixing everyone and checking the scrapped animatronics. As I turned around to the computer, I explained to Lefty wat I was going to be doing.

"Now, the first thing I'm going to do is check your exoskeleton and see if any parts are brittle or broken, then I need to look at your inner mechanisms, ok? This is just a check up to see if anything is broken."

I turned around after setting up the computer and saw Lefty just staring at me. He didn't seem aggressive, which was good, but I also knew how deceiving these guys could be. I walked up to him and started gently tapping different parts of his outer shell to test how structurally sound everything was. Lefty just kept watching me work, even moving to let me get to hard-to-reach spots on his body. Thankfully, the worst outer damage seemed to be his eye.

"Good! Everything seems fairly strong. Is it ok if I get a closer look at your eyes?" Lefty slowly bent his head down to my level so I could take a look.

"Thank you!" I smiled at him, and he seemed to smile back. I gently held his cheek to steady myself as I looked into his eye and socket. His face seemed to warm slightly as I did, but I payed it no mind.

"Interesting...would you be willing to tell me how you lost your eye?" I tilted my head at him as I backed away a little, allowing him to stand up straight before he answered me.

"...I don't know how I lost it, I just know I did have it at some point." He seemed to be lost in thought for a moment as if he was trying to remember, but he turned his attention back to me. "What do you need to do next?"

I was a bit shocked with how compliant he was being with the procedure. All of the others would have tried to kill me by now, let alone ask me what was next. It honestly caused me to blush a little.

"Well, now I need to look at your endoskeleton and wires in your chest and see if everything is working, and make sure all of your joints are still functioning properly. Since you've been so nice so far, I'll let you pick which we do next."

Lefty looked taken aback for a second, but quickly recovered as he thought.

"...Why don't you look in my chest first? Just pull down on my bowtie to open my chest plate." He lifted his head a little to make it easier, and held onto my side as I reached up to his bowtie, opening his chest and pulling away.

"Alright, now to go down this little checklist..." I grabbed a clipboard from my desk and quickly went over everything, finding everything to be in working order.

"Interesting, you seem like a new animatronic that's just lost an eye so far. How do you close this?" I motioned to his chest, and he chuckled a little, causing me to blush again.

"Just press my nose." He leaned down a bit again so I could reach, and held onto me so I wouldn't fall. When I pressed his nose, it let out a squeaky noise as his chest closed and my eyes lit up, earning another chuckle from Lefty.

"You can press it some more later, why don't we finish with this little checkup?" He said it as if he was teasing me. I blushed again before going back to the checklist.

"Oh, yea..r-right. Can you move your right shoulder for me?"

After about 10 minutes, we finished going over his joints, all of which were perfectly fine, they just needed a little oil.

"You're basically brand new, there's no way I'm gonna even attempt to find a part or two to take from you. Why don't I talk to Michael and see if I can get you on stage?"

"I'd appreciate that, thank you." Lefty smiled at me, and took a step forward, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away, leaving me a blushing mess.

Needless to say, Lefty was up on stage the next day and regularly was given checkups.

A/N: I am so sorry I haven't been updating! Like I said above, I've been in my TMNT phase. Please make sure to give me requests on the request page! I'd love to write more for all of you! ~Skullie

1305 Words

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