Male!Funtime Foxy x Animatronic Fox! Reader

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Requested by: iiFeliciaFoxii

Hello everyone! like I said on my post, I am so very sorry for not writing for so long. If you want to see the whole explanation, please go and look at the post I made on my page today. It really isn't a good excuse, but It's the truth. Anyways, on with the story!

Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Gore

3rd POV:

Today was just an average day for everyone at Circus Baby's Pizza World. Same old pizzeria. Same old dreary, moldy walls. Same old darkness. Same old critters running along the floors and walls. The only new thing was the nightguard. This nightguard was hired to help out Michael; The nightguard that actually helped everyone and treated them kindly, especially ever since he discovered who was haunting Circus Baby. This new nightguard was just an asshole. He shocked everyone, even if they were in their spots. It seemed like he had a sick, twisted joy in torturing everyone, especially since he technically had the power here. It made everyone upset that he was hired, but no matter what Michael did, he couldn't get him fired or make him quit. 

"The higher-ups don't want to get rid of him," He would say, "I told them I wanted some help, and so they got me the help I requested. They can't find anyone to replace him, so I guess we're stuck with him for now."

It was really starting to get to you. You were a fox, just like Foxy and Lolbit, but you had different colors than them, being (F/C 1), (F/C 2), and (F/C 3) instead (I'm giving you 3 colors since Lolbit has three colors, but you can imagine yourself however you wish.). You also didn't have claws like them, but you were also supposed to be very gentle with others, and you would help take care of younger toddlers and babies; You were basically a nannie for the littles, or anyone who just needed a calmer atmosphere compared to the loud and upbeat nature of the parties you all attended. Being a fox like them, you weren't as durable as someone like Funtime Freddy. The shocks got to you three worse than the rest of the cast, and it caused a LOT of problems for your bodies. Usually it wasn't super serious, considering it was spread thorough the entire body, but everyone had their Achilles heel.

The day was rather boring, but once the nightguard came, no one could catch a break. He was a cruel man, and everyone knew what was coming. Everyone got in their places, though it didn't do much. Everyone was getting shocked, one after another. Today, he just so happened to need something in the office, so into Funtime auditorium he came.

It was common for him to come into the rooms, and usually everyone would hide from him, since he had a taser. Sadly, Y/N didn't notice he had came into the room.


I needed to get to the office today, so I could get some spare parts. Lolbit and I were working on a project for the others, and we only needed a few more finishing touches for it to be ready. So, I started to make my way to the office. Thats when I ran into the nightguard.

"What the hell are you doin' ya dumb robot? Can't ya see that I need to get in there?" He said. He definitely seemed pissed off; more than usual, at least.

"W-Well, I just needed some parts for something really quickly-"

"So now you want to make something to hurt me, huh?! Is that what You lot are doin'?!"


"That's it! I've done played nice long enough with you lot!"

I cowered away, scared of what would happen to me now that he was angry at me in particular. My ears quickly went down in fear, and my hands were up in front of me in defense. I knew I couldn't hurt him, not with my lack of claws. I didn't even feel malicious towards him enough to try and bite him, so that was out of the question.


I could hear the commotion from Y/N and the nightguard, and I knew this wouldn't be good for them. I decided to get closer, being able to see in the dark quite well compared to many of the others. It wasn't long before he had pulled out his taser and aimed it at Y/N, hitting her right in the eyes.

"Y/N! are you alright?!"

I was quick to be by her side, holding her close and pulling away the electrodes and throwing them to the side. It was clear they were hurting with how they were covering their eyes with their hands.

"F-Foxy? I-I can't see... Whats g-going on?"

They took their hands off their eyes and looked around blindly. They were scared and hurt because of that damn taser.

That nightguard was going to pay for what he did

The next moments were a blur of rage and frightened screams. I didn't know what I was doing, all I knew was that bastard hurt the one I trusted more than anyone in this hell hole. It took awhile for me to regain my senses, but when I did, the first thing I saw was the mutilated body of the nightguard, drowning in his own dark pool of blood. I regretted nothing.

I turned to Y/N, sympathetic for what they had to hear. I was quick to help them on her feet and start guiding them to Parts and Service.

"I am so sorry you had to listen to that, dear. He can't ever hurt you again, I promise. Please don't be upset at me; I know how you dislike confrontation like that."

I sat her down on the conveyor belt, grabbing a few parts and a brand new set of eyes for them. They were a beautiful (whatever color idfk), and they would suit them nicely. We both talked as I replaced her eyes, but they shocked me with what they had to say.

"I'm not mad at you for what you did, Foxy. If anything, I'm flattered that you would protect me like that. Thank you, Foxy, truly."

They grabbed my hand in theirs, holding it close as they closed their eyes. They seemed happy and grateful for what had happened, which still had me a bit confused. But, I pushed it away and chuckled, holding their hands and smiling, even if they couldn't see it.

"It was no problem, dear. Now, why don't I fix up those eyes for you, hm? Im sure you want to see my handsome face again~"

"Oh, shut it, you sly fox~!"

1095 words

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