Chapter XVII - Talking about a threat towards Brittany

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After listening to Bryce's tape to Jessica, Brittany got a worrying fever so everyone moved to Kanone's house, and Kanone and Eyes put Brittany into a bed so that she could rest comfortably while fighting against her fever. Hiyono volunteered to watch her, while everyone talked about the possible threat to her, that they believe is still out there.

"We have a feeling the monster of a stepbrother of Brittany's isn't dead like she believes." Tony started.

"You suspect that he possibly faked his death?" Kanone said making it a question.

Tony and the others nodded their heads.

"Looking back now, I wouldn't put it past him to fake his death to make her let down her guard. Then either attacking her again or wait for the right time to grab and do only God knows what to her." Tyler said worriedly. And everyone nodded in agreement with him while also feeling very worried about Brittany.

"If the tapes and what Brittany hinted at as to him having stalking and obsessing behavior towards her is more than likely a big clue that he probably faked his death and is waiting for the right time to kidnap her." Kanone said.

"Then we should at least make it very hard for him to do so." Kousuke said.

"It might be hard to do though. Because she believed that he could be a demon, or very much like one in human form. Way back when she felt trapped while being abused by him." Tony said.

"You mean like a soldier demon?" Clay asked. And Tony nodded. For a while everyone was quiet.

"If he has become demon like, Brittany is in more danger than we think she is." Ayumu said breaking the silence.

"Deep down Brittany probably knows that but hasn't said it." Caleb said.

"If we need more protection we can contact some supernaturals that Brittany knows." Tony said which got raised eyebrows from Ayumu, Kanone, Eyes, Kousuke, Ryoko, and Rio. Which made Tony, Caleb, Clay, and Tyler explain about that, and then got stunned looks afterwards.

They also learned about Brittany having birthgifts that had just awakened inside her, thanks to Ayumu's older brother, which explained her fever. Though it made them all worry slightly more. Later they took turns keeping an eye on Brittany.

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