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(Agares's training field)(1 week later)

"Alright kid, come on."

Blinking the mismatch child turn towards his father in confusion. Losing focus the magic circle held in between his hands faded away.

"Ah, dang it.....I'm sorry, where we going?"

Dismissing his apology and patting his son on the shoulder. They start to walk away from the rather destroyed training ground.

"We're going to a.....friend of mine, that has a debt to pay."

"Ok.....but, why am I going?"

"Simple really."

Snapping his finger's the magic circle for the Agares family appears below them.

"I'm calling in this favor to see if they can figure out what your Origin is."

"Ohhh, now I get it."

Smiling Kasoku rubs Jikan's hair aggressively leaving it a mess.

"Hey! Why did you do that!?"

Ignoring his son(and the tiny fist that punched him in the leg) the Family Head put up 3 fingers. Seeing him raise his fingers Jikan stopped fixing his hair and paid attention.

"3 things before we go, 1. My friend is having their daughters over so be nice, 2. Do not leave my side unless I tell you too. Got it so far?"

Nodding his head, Jikan continued to pay attention to his father.

"Last but not least, 3. If you do go play with my friend's daughter be careful. Although they might be half god they are weaker then they seem, understood?"

"Yes.......wait, half god?"

Pushing his palm into Jikan's face to shut him up Kasoku snapped his fingers again and they disappeared from place. But before they did Jikan opened his mouth and bit down on his father's hand.

"Ow! Yo-"


"-u little shit!!!"

Trying(and failing to get him off) Kasoku swings his arm around trying to get Jikan to let go. Only for both to pause as someone faked cough. Blinking at each other they turned their gaze to the right to see a woman standing there with a glare.

Flicking Jikan's forehead he instinctively let go of the hand and held his forehead. Only to gage when his father wiped the drool on his son's clothes.

"Ah! Gross!"

"Says the one who bit me."

Grumbling and turning away from his father Jikan spots two girls standing behind the woman with the glare.

"Anyways, hey Hecate! How have you been? Been busy I see."

The goddess didn't say another only glare at the devil. Seeing how his small talking is failing(and quite badly at that) he got straight to the point.

"I'll just get down to why I'm here."


Hearing her response that barely managed to make it past her mouth. Kasoku placed a hand on Jikan's should.

"Alright, th-where did he go?"

Letting out a sigh Kasoku started looking around. But while he was looking around he didn't notice the goddess eyes widen.

'I....can't sense him?'

Although she said it as a fact it sounded more like a question. Almost as if she can't believe what she's feeling(or lack of).

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