Fell Grim

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(So I noticed that this first part was for some reason. Posted in the wrong chapter so if you recognize ignore that or skip it, good day.)

(6 months later)(Forest of Beasts)

Within a forest that stretched as far as the horizon. Where both mindless monsters and the strongest of beasts reside. The sound of fighting could be heard as suddenly a portion of the forest was caught in a explosion.


Getting flung from the explosion a Platinum blur hit multiple trees before finally stopping.


Pushing away from the tree and catching himself. Jikan grunted as pain flushed throughout his nerves. Looking the direction he came from his eyes widen when it flashed with an orange hue.


A wave of fire rushed over the devil as it burned everything in it's way. As the flames disperse in the place Jikan stood was a wall of ice that quickly broke down.

"Tannin, my main man, my dragon man I think you need to 'cool down'."

Walking slowly out from where the fire came a humanoid dragon walked out about 15 meters. Their purple scales stood strong without even a slight scratch. Their golden horns sharper then swords.


Smirking at the blank look the dragon gave him. Jikan slammed his hand on the ground as Tannin was consumed by a pillar of flames.

"Fire? Against me? Please."

With a single beat of his wings the dragon extinguished the fire. Suddenly hearing the booming of thunder the dragon looked up to see the dark sky flash.

"Hm, that one wasn't bad."

Swiping his arm, the lighting dispelled as the area was hit with a strong shockwave. Only for Tannin's draconic instincts to warn him something dangerous was happening.

"-Heed Thy call, end the dragon, the world is quite once more, Fell Grim!"

Opening his mouth the same beam of fire from earlier shot out and met head on with a giant sword. Unfortunately for the dragon said sword was formed with the properties of dragon slaying. Splitting apart the breath attack, it cleaved though the dragon leaving a nasty wound that most definitely will scar.

"Agh! W-Well, that's new. When did you make such a spell? You even used a chant, very unlike you."

Ignoring the dragon for a second Jikan plops down on the ground huffing and puffing. Showing just how energy exhausting that last spell was.

"It's....oh Satan I'm dying, the chant just drains less mana. The main point is that it's a 2 part spell that draws upon the legend of 'Sigurd' and his sword."

"'Gram', the legendary dragon slayer blade that slayed a fellow dragon king."

"Exactly the same, and dispute me calling it a 2 part spell it's more of a 1 and a half. Because the second part is 'Fell' I intertwined it with the fact we're in 'Hell'. A place where the fallen go meaning-"

"-Meaning that you can only use it in hell or the underworld I suppose and only against dragons. A very conditional spell that you made to fight me I'm guessing?"


And just like that they both fell into silence as the devil caught his breath and the dragon looked over his wound.

"Times up, Hit me with another one."

Sighing Jikan blankly stared as another breath attack headed his way.

'I'm tired.....I only got 2 more in me at most.......Let's go, Focus Point.'

Using a spell of his own creation everything in Jikan's vision turned black and white. The only exception was these orbs of light ranging from blue all the way to red. The dragon's breath coming his way in particular was filled to the brim with red orbs.

'Make a line that connects the biggest one to the next biggest one and repeat. Once you get down to the smallest one the lines will all converge onto one point, find it then attack.'

Taking a breath Jikan watched as the breath got closer at a snail like pace.

"Thou's roar is thunder, The day is not, Heed Thy call, End the dragon, The world is quite once more, Fell Grim!"

And just as the time before the ethereal blade cut though the flames and flew though the air towards the dragon. Not backing down to the dragon slaying spell the dragon king spreads their arms. Before slamming them together catching the spell before it could cut into them.


With some effort Tannin rips apart the spell while immediately moving in front of Jikan. Lashing out with their tail the dragon bats the devil into the distance.


Watching Jikan fly off Tannin looked out the corner of his eye towards Kasoku who was also watching his son get thrown away

".......do you think I punted him to hard?"

"Prooooobly......looks like he got you pretty good."

Grunting the dragon spread out their arms showing the injury has mostly healed due to his draconic vitality. Unfortunately though, due to the properties of the spell it left a nasty scar. Traveling from his shoulder across his chest and ending a bit above the dragon's waist.

"I would ask if you want me to fix that.....but, knowing you. You'll probably walk around with it as a badge of pride."

"Of course.....hm? Already? His getting faster."

Raising his arm Tannin was caught off guard as Jikan's foot slammed straight into it with significant force.

Kasoku's eye widen when he watched his son suddenly blur and land a round house kick to the dragon's chin. Taking a few steps back from the sudden attack Tannin's vision blurred for a second before it focused again.

'His gone?'


Although Jikan's voice came from all around him, Tannin instinctively looked up to witness the sky fall. And with it any restrictions on the dragon. Breathing in deeply the dragon's chest glows as a raging inferno forms in their mouth. Releasing the breath the sky Burns as it's dyed a bright blue.

"Fell Grim"

Bursting out of the fire Jikan, Tannin's eyes immediately landed on the sword in the devil's hands. Swinging the spell in his hand it exploded on contact with the dragon's horn.

Reacting quickly Kasoku caught his son when they came flying out of the explosion. Landing on the ground the family head immediately checked Jikan.

Releasing a sigh of relief when the only thing he could find wrong was nearly empty reserves.

"He's growing at an unprecedented rate."

"Yeah, I wou-puff! Hahahaha! Where did your horn go!?"

Growling the dragon glared as he reached up to his now much shorter horn.

"shut it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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