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'What have you brought into this world?'

Thinking back to what happened 2 weeks ago, Kasoku could only guess on what she saw. Placing the paper in his hand down and resting his head on his hand.

'Whatever she saw it was enough to injure her. But just from seeing it? What could do that to a goddess of her level?'

In the midst of his though Kasoku sat up straighter as his senses picked up something.

"Ugh, not again."

Tapping his deck the world around him turned grey as he stood up and quickly left the room. He ignored the servants that were seemingly frozen in place as he made his way towards the training grounds. As he opened the doors he didn't care for his color seem to disappear just like in the estate. Although he did take note on how the entire field was in complete ruin as if a dragon went on a rampage. Lo behold, in the middle of it all a small child suspended in the air as they run away from something. Although, when you looked at the child you could tell they were quite a bit tall then 2 weeks ago.

'What is that?'

Walking up to that 'something' it was a ring made of mana spinning. Fast enough so that even if only slightly it was moving in nearly frozen time. Waving his hand the color near the water fountain returned as it flew over and wrapped around the ring. Nodding the devil walked passed his son, only to pause as he watched Jikan's eyes follow him.

Kasoku waved his hand and watched as his son's eyes followed it. And for a second he could have sworn to Satan that Jikan's right eye turned into a clock for a moment.


Shaking it off and grabbing his son he moves them away from the orb of water. Placing Jikan on the ground and nodding the color to the world returned. Which promptly exploded into water as the ring of mana in the orb gave in.

"Bah.....some got in my mouth."

"Quit whining, it's clean water anyway."

Looking up at the sky Kasoku stared at the artificial sun hanging in the purple sky.

'It's the 27 isn't? Shit, Jikan just turned 5 he'll have to attend the banquet......fucking Satan descendants. If they didn't have the old man Baal's allegiance I would have killed them off already.'

Waving his hand all of the water in the area gathered up. Before slipping back into the fountain.



"How did you do that?"

"It's just simple water manipulation. I can eas-"

"No! I mean when you everything dark and gloomy! I couldn't even move my toes! I want to do that it was so cool!"

Blankly starring at his son before ruffling his hair.

"I'll think about it, For now go find your mother. She has to get you ready for"

"Whaaa!? but those are so boring! Last time I want to Red's we didn't even do anything fun. All we did was talk.....talking's boring."

"And that's exactly the point of them. To talk and make/grow connections."

".......that's stupid."

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