008. Hell

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"The endless rain is unfortunate."

The breeze sways across a man's face, blinking away the drizzle of raindrops embedded in his lashes.

Their rifles have their weight shifting behind the bushes and trees, escorted with a layer of armor and rich loads of ammo strapped.

"Don't worry about it, Tanaka-kun." The old man speaks to the man.

They loom to the security guard drowned in their pool of blood, depleting from the downpour and in the dug grass. The gates stood to a torn-up opening in the entry of the facility, thanks to Tanaka's ghost now dispersing into the rain.

The old man steps over the dead body and proceeds to the gates alongside his cohort.

"Remember, Tanaka-kun," he says calmly. "Our only objective is..."

A repose and furtive smile diverges the wrinkles of his pleating skin.

"Nagai Kei."

The government had kept quiet about their agreement with the minister long before their second Ajin arrived in their experiment. Since their secret consensus, their procedures for finding Ajins were drastic.

Ajins of all over the world would understand that concept first thing in the discovery of their specimen. It's horrifying and unpredictable. All they can rely on is the darkness, to bid themselves away from the blink of society.

And the government.

Being found?

That's the last thing any Ajin would want.


She's always been hiding, whether she'd admitted it or not, the only predicament is the fear in one's eyes.

She looks at Nagai Kei for the first time, through the thick glass window from their laboratory. The bandages dressing his body barely leaves any skin for him to subsist, his eyes are obscured beneath the coverings of bandages, and a black rough number written over it; registering him as the '003' Ajin of Japan.

The Ajin is strapped on the board in a swarm of several surgeons—pruning and ripping his body components in part of their experiment. And screams away there is tearing the vivisection room, aggravating and excruciating.

Ruri can smell it, even taste it on her tongue and the rims of her dry throat. She can feel the surreal sense of trepidation growing as she peers solely at their work. Her composure kept, the only result she can manage to do is to look away.

"You did a fine job finding the third Ajin, Miss Ueda." One of the main ministrations praises her. "I'm glad to say that we had relied on you."

Ruri feels nothing about a praise, staring longly at the torn-up Ajin across from her.

"The project shall carry on, the third Ajin in our custody will be in your hands to research from then. Mister Ueda would have been proud of how far we've come."

Her dry throat represses her from enunciating beforehand, choked back in finding the simpler words to respond to her executive.

"Yes," Ruri says. "... he would be proud." Their gazes fixated thoroughly on their experiment without meeting each other's and barring the horrid screams.

But Ruri can taste it.

The simmer of temperate and sour morsel that sinks in. It's hot and it submerges in the pits of... what was it?

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