Always with me.

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It was a hot summer day in Lucknow, and the Mahila Police Thana was bustling with activity. Inside, two female cops, Haseena and Karishma, sat at their desks, sipping on chai as they caught up on the latest gossip.

"Haseena, did you hear about the new case?" Karishma asked, a glint in her eye.

"No, what case?" Haseena replied, putting down her chai and leaning in.

"A wealthy businessman's daughter has gone missing. They suspect foul play. And you know what that means, right?" Karishma said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Haseena nodded, a serious look on her face. "We need to find her before it's too late."

The two women quickly gathered their things and headed out to investigate the case. They spent the next few hours interviewing the family and gathering evidence, but came up empty-handed.

As they were about to leave, Karishma spotted something out of the corner of her eye. "Haseena, look over there. Do you see that man?"

Haseena turned to see a man lurking in the shadows, watching them. She nodded to Karishma, and the two women made their way over to him.

"Excuse me, sir, can we help you with something?" Haseena asked, her voice calm but firm.

The man hesitated, then turned to run. Haseena and Karishma chased after him, their hearts pounding in their chests. After a few blocks, they caught up to him and tackled him to the ground.

As they handcuffed him, Haseena couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. She and Karishma made a great team, and she knew they would solve this case no matter what.

The next few days were a blur of interviews and investigations. Haseena and Karishma worked tirelessly, gathering evidence and piecing together the clues. Finally, they had enough to make an arrest.

As they led the suspect out of the Thana in handcuffs, Haseena and Karishma felt a sense of satisfaction wash over them. They had solved the case, and justice had been served.

Later that evening, as they sat on the steps of the Thana, sipping on chai, Haseena turned to Karishma. "You know, I couldn't have done this without you. You're my best friend and my partner, and I'm so grateful to have you by my side."

Karishma smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I feel the same way, Haseena. We make a great team, and I know we can solve any case that comes our way."

And with that, the two women clinked their chai cups together in a toast to their friendship and their work. They knew that as long as they were together, they could take on the world.

Days passed since the wealthy businessman's daughter was found and brought back to her family safely. It was yet another case solved by the dynamic duo of Haseena and Karishma, but their work didn't end there. They had to file the necessary reports and follow up on the progress of the investigation, but both were looking forward to some time off.

As they sat in their office, Haseena turned to Karishma with a smile. "You know, it's been a while since we've taken some time off. Why don't we plan a trip somewhere? Maybe get away from the city for a bit?"

Karishma's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That's a great idea! I could use some time away from work, and I'm sure you could too. Where do you want to go?"

Haseena thought for a moment before replying. "How about a weekend getaway to the hills? We can go hiking, relax in a cozy cottage, and just enjoy some peace and quiet."

Karishma grinned. "Sounds perfect. Let's start planning!"

As they made their preparations, Haseena and Karishma felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside them. They were both looking forward to some time away from the stress of their work, but little did they know that danger was lurking just around the corner.

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