Never leave me.

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Haseena and Karishma had been best friends since their academy days. They both had joined the police force and were now stationed in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Haseena was the Station House Officer (SHO) of MPT while Karishma was a Sub-Inspector (SI) under her.

One day, while on patrol duty, they received a call about a murder in one of the old buildings in the city. They rushed to the location and found the victim's body lying in a pool of blood. The victim was identified as a young girl who had recently moved to the city from a nearby village.

The case was assigned to Haseena and Karishma, and they began their investigation. They interviewed several witnesses and collected evidence from the crime scene. However, they couldn't find any leads, and the case seemed to be going nowhere.

Days turned into weeks, and the case remained unsolved. Haseena and Karishma were both frustrated and exhausted. They spent countless hours going over the evidence, trying to find something that they had missed.

One night, while going through the case files, Haseena found a clue that had been overlooked. It was a piece of fabric that had been found near the crime scene. Haseena remembered seeing a similar piece of fabric at a local market and decided to visit the market the next day.

At the market, Haseena was able to find the shop that sold the fabric. She questioned the shopkeeper, who told her that a woman had purchased the same fabric a few days before the murder. The shopkeeper was able to provide a description of the woman, and Haseena was able to create a sketch of the suspect.

Haseena and Karishma spent the next few days going door-to-door, showing the sketch to residents in the area. Finally, they received a lead about a woman who matched the description. The woman was identified as the victim's neighbor, and she was brought in for questioning.

During the interrogation, the woman admitted to killing the victim. She revealed that she had been jealous of the victim's success and had killed her out of envy. Haseena and Karishma were both shocked and saddened by the confession.

After the interrogation, Haseena and Karishma sat in silence, lost in their thoughts. Haseena couldn't help but feel emotional about the case. She thought about the victim's family, who had lost a daughter, and the killer's family, who had lost a loved one to prison.

Karishma noticed Haseena's sadness and put a hand on her shoulder. Haseena looked up at her friend, and Karishma could see the tears in her eyes.

"It's okay to feel emotional, Haseena. It shows that you care about the people we're serving and protecting," Karishma said, trying to comfort her friend.

Haseena nodded and wiped her tears away. She felt grateful to have a friend like Karishma, who understood her emotions and supported her.

a few days later...

The adrenaline was pumping through Haseena's veins as she drove the police jeep as fast as she could towards the deserted area where Karishma had gone to pursue the suspect. The only sound she could hear was the wind rushing past her ears as she tried to push the vehicle to its limits.

As she approached the area, her heart sank at the sight of the abandoned car. Her instincts told her that something terrible had happened. She quickly parked the jeep and drew her gun, ready to face whatever danger lay ahead.

"Hold on Karishma, I'm coming for you," she whispered to herself.

As she made her way towards the car, she could feel her heart beating faster and faster. The sense of foreboding that had been building up inside her since morning was now at its peak. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

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