Boston Outskirts - Chapter Two

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"She made it through the fucking night Joel" Tess exclaims.
"Doesn't matter." He replies quickly.
"Kind of does.." I mutter.
"It's going to happen sooner or later."
"Maybe not." I reply, trying to be hopeful.

They start talking about how they could bring her back to the QZ.

"The fuck we are." I say quickly, "you guys do what you want but I ain't leaving her."
"Why you getting so defensive over her?" Joel asks.

I pause for a minute, not knowing what to say but then just shake my and mutter a, "fuck off."

He just gives me a disapproving glare as Ellie comes back into the room.

"You hungry?" Tess asks Ellie, "You can share some of ours."
"Thanks, but Marlene sent me with my own." She says with a friendly smile.

Tess and Joel start to eat as I fiddle with my hands, zoning out slightly.

"If you haven't got any food (Y/N),
we can share some of ours" Tess asks me, a bit more polite than I expected to be honest.

"got my own." i mumble simply, just sort of zoning out and fiddling with the hair tie around my wrist.

"so are you gonna fucking eat it then?" joel looks at me with a scoff.

"no." i say say sarcastically.

"god i'm not even hungry, take it." i scoff, taking a sandwich out of my bag and chucking
it to him.

"you should eat." he mumbles but takes the food anyways, him and Tess eating it in silence.

"Is that chicken?" Tess asks confused, looking at Ellie's sandwich.
"Yeah." She replies simply.
"Same, I stole one off Marlene just before I met you three." I say with a shrug.

"Marlene says they get it from smugglers... guess not you guys." ellie mutters the last part.

Tess stands up suddenly as me and Joel do, both trying to calm her down.

"Why are you so important to Marlene?" She asks walking over to her.

"I'm going to have to probably assume it's because she got bit and hasn't turned into a monster." I say sternly as I stand in between Tess and Ellie.

"And don't lie to me, or we'll send you back" She says seriously.

I give a scoff at her, knowing damn well I wouldn't let her do that.

"Take me back and you don't get your car battery."
"You heard that?" Tess asks.

"You guys were shouting about it, it was pretty hard not to." I state giving a shrug.

"Then you also heard he wants to shoot you." Tess says threatening as Joel keeps is gun in his hand.

Ellie seems to not be taking them seriously as she says, "you know what else I heard, that you and (y/-" while she points at Joel.

Me and Joel cut her off with a "shut the hell up." at the same time, knowing where she was going with this.

Tess crouches down next to her, which I found a little condescending more than anything else.

"Look, I'm going to talk to you like you're an adult." Tess says, "Joel and I ain't good people"

I give a sigh as I thought this was actually going somewhere where I turned out to be more of a threat. "Starting out strong." I say sarcastically with a fake smile.

She carries on talking, "we are doing this for us, because apparently you are worth something, but we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have. So answer the question."

Date finished- 8/5/24
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 625 words


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