Meeting Her

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Wednesday Addam's POV:

    I've been expelled from my school, so far I've gone to multiple schools in the past few years. And I know your probably thinking, 'I'll just be homeschooled, right?' No. Now I'm going to an academic prison called: 'Nevermore', where my parents went to school. I'm dreading it already, "Wednesday dear, you have to get out of the car now. Were here." My mother, Morticia says. I climb out of the backseat of the car and face the academic hell hole with a look of fake pity on my face thinking of the kids I'll torment, walking past the gates I think of all the possibilities of what could happen. I could make a kid dissappear, or an 'accidental' mishap with my guillotine. A smirk finds it way onto my face, then leaves as I arrive in Principal Weems office. "Ah! If it isn't the infamous Wednesday Addams!" She says while setting down her pen and crossing her arms over another. "It seems you've had quite the academic journey!" She says obviously reading my file. Congratulations, you have the intelligence of a 7 year old. While she keeps on babbling on about things my focus returns when she mentions the word, 'roommate'. I couldn't possibly have one, I lack all social contacts and cues. I would simply fracture their fragile heart, "So your dorm number and schedule is on this paper, classes start on Monday. There's also a map of the school on there aswell." I nod with a blank expression and leave the room, I've asked my parents and Pugsly to leave as I go get "comfortable" in my new dorm. When I get to the door I can already hear an unbearable pop song  playing, I sigh before twisting the doorknob. A surprised girl turns towards me fast showing me her claws, I raise an eyebrow and examine her. Her clothes have very bright colors, when she notices me she retracted her arms behind her back and smiles. "Hi! I'm Enid! Your  Wednesday, right?" She asks coming closer, Enid huh? "Correct." I spit out and look around the room for a moment, One side wasn't decorated at all, just some drawers and a bed. While Enid's side, was bright and cheery. I feel sick. Her expression changes to a rather confused one, "Do you not talk much? It's fine if your shy!" I look at her with disgust. "I'm not shy. I'm just regretting my life decisions at the moment." She turns her head slightly to the side, "What does that even mean?-Anyway! I'll help you decorate your side! I'm sorry for being exited, I just haven't had a roommate in awhile!" I made intense eye contact with Enid. "Don't get attached." She gulps and clears her throat, her face now going back to a smile. "So, do you need help bringing your bags in?" She asks awfully cheery. "I'm fine." I say while retreating my bags and setting them down on my bed, her presence follows behind me. "So what do you prefer?" She asks with a big smile, "Excuse me?" She stands next to me, "I mean are you a lesbian, bi, straight, pan, whatever!" I look at her quietly, "I don't see how it would effect you." I say in a stubborn tone, "Oh, no ofcourse it wouldn't! I just want to get to know you!" She replies going to grip my hand only for me to snatch it away. "I don't label myself." I say firmly. She nods and walks over to her messy desk, opening her laptop. I finish unpacking and hang the all black uniform that was on my bed on the dresser, after getting settled in I decided to change into something more comfortable. Black sweatpants and a Black sweatshirt that accasionaly falls off the shoulder, I left my hair as it was, in braids. And started to type away on my type writer, "Why don't you just get a computer?" Enid asks now looking at me. "Because I'm old fashioned." I say obviously sarcastically. "Can I see how you look without your braids?" Enid asks stepping forward, I sigh. Standing up from my type writer and taking a seat on my bed, grabbing my black hairbrush. Quickly taking out the hair ties, I bring my hand towards my hair to brush it out, but then Enid stops me. "Can I do that?" She pleads sitting beside me, "Then will you leave me alone?" She nods with a smile, "Ok fine." I say handing her the brush, she squeals out of enthusiasm and sits behind me. "Your hair is so long and pretty!" Enid says while the brush parts between my hair, "Ok." I say flatly. She steadies herself by putting a hand on my shoulder as the brush collides with my hair, I actually feel myself start to relax as her hands start to slightly message my scalp. Before I let out a noise I grab her hand leaving her a little startled, making her stop her motions. I let go and mutter out a 'sorry'. After a few more seconds of her brushing my hair, Enid sets the brush down on my nightstand. Getting up from my bed she looks at me, she freezes and her face turns a shade of red. I look at her confused, "Are you sick?" I say putting a hand to her forehead, which was a little warm. "N-No, you just look very pretty with your hair down!" I feel a warmth in my cheeks and ears after listening to her. "oh." I reply dryly. "Well I'm going to sleep now." I say while shutting of my lamp and laying down on my bed, "Okay, goodnight Wens." She says smiling before turning around and walking to her side of the room. "Don't call me that." I say sternly from my bed, "Oh cmon Wens! You'll live." I roll my eyes and tune out everything, slowly falling asleep.

  Authors Note:
I know I've already stared a few projects that haven't been finished, but im thinking I'll just update any story when I feel like it. I randomly got inspired to write this from, I don't even know what. So, yeah. I'll just update every once and awhile!

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