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Tw: mentions of death, slut shaming, abuse, blood
My bestfriend, Dylan Maybank, since third grade was gone. And I was filled with rage, sadness, guilt, shock, and I felt as if I was a bunch of broken pieces and he was the only one who glued me together. But he wasn't there. To explain me and Dylan had been bestfriends since second grade when our older brothers first hung out he became like my twin. We had been bestfriends for almost 9 years. 9 years of ups and downs through thick and thin. He was there when I had my first kiss, first time, first cuddle, first boyfriend, he was there when I lost my dad, had my first big fight with John b, he was there for everything. For me. And so I did the same. A week ago I invited him over for a sleepover but he had ran out of clean clothes so he went to get some from his house when he thought his dad was gone. Turns out he was there and when he saw Dylan he went crazy. He started beating him so hard Dylan passed out. I was worried so I went in and saw him pale on the floor with bruises in a pool of blood I called an ambulance immediately. I rode with him the whole way there. When we got there I called JJ, his brother. He came right away with John b and at that point I was curled up in a ball crying. I looked like I was crazy but I didn't care because when the doctor tells you your best friend died you die on the inside. John b took me home with JJ, the whole ride there was silent. I was sobbing, you could almost see smoke coming from jjs ears and John b was just shocked. When we all got to the château I ran to my room and shut my door. I didn't do anything I just layer down and let the tears running out of my eyes soak the pillow beneath me. I was sad for the first week but now I'm fuming. Yes, JJ already yelled at his dad but his dad didn't give a shit. So I went out of my room to be greeted by John b and JJ smoking. "Hey y/n, Omg I thought you were stuck in there or something." John b joked as to why I never left my room the past week but I just ignored him and walked past. I was walking with speed when I got the Twinkie keys and went outside. "Y/n! Come back! Where are you go-" I cut off my brother as I replied coldly"getting payback for Dylan" the two boys looked worried but when they came to realisation I was driving off. When I got to Dylan and jjs house I walked right in and was greeted by the smell of alcohol. "Dylan, you home yet?" His dad asked slurring his words. "No. Dylan won't come back because YOU KILLED HIM" I yelled in anger "oh so this was the slut huh" his dad said staring me up and down "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU TOOK THE BEST PERSON IN MY LIFE AWAY FROM ME AND YOU ACT FINE? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed on edge by now " DONT YELL AT ME WHORE" he said to me getting up and punching me. I was ready for this so I kicked him and started punching him he was stronger but rage powered me. At one point I was too weak to fight back and he had a gun next to my head "p-please don't s-shoot me" I pleaded softly. He laughed cruelly and clicked off the safety button "STOP" I heard JJ yell as he barged in I was covered in blood with a gun next to my head, pretty bad but I slightly wished JJ didn't come in so I could be with Dylan again. I was crying at this point and everything was blurry until I saw JJ beat up his dad and help me up. "Are you okay y/n?" He asked me "y-yeah" I replied still in a lot of pain. I took one step but fell and saw my leg was bleeding and bruised. JJ picked me up and took me to the château. "Go to the bathroom ok?" I just nodded and went inside. John b was gone but I knew he would give me a lecture about shit. When I sat down JJ came in and took out the first aid kit. "Why did you do it" he asked me "because he was the most important person to me" "what do you mean, you have us, you always have" "no I haven't, John b and you have the pogues, I only had Dylan" "what about-" "John b? He's always with you guys." I replied simply as I jumped off the counter. He just hugged me and I flinched slightly " oh I'm sorry" "no it's fine don't worry" I said with a smile "c'mon I'm sure the pogues would love to see you again it's been a while" JJ offered to me with a small smile. I took his hand gladly and butterflies rose in my stomach though I had just beaten up by his dad, the maybank boys have something in them.
When we go to the front porch the pogues we're out there and sent his and hellos to JJ and me while kie, sarah, and pope hugged me. Jb just smiled at me but I didn't mind. I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie covering my bruises and cuts. Without noticing I tripped over the empty beer can of the floor and fell, my leg cuts and bruises now visible. "Omg y/n who did that to y-" "no one." I cut off pope coldly not wanting their attention on me."Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?" John b yelled at me, I flinched a bit, surprised as he stood up mad. "What?" I asked confused slightly "WHAT, SO YOU JUST GO AROUND FIGHTING PEOPLE NOW?" He said furious still. "JOHN B SHUT UP. you want to know why I'm like this because I got beat up by Luke, why would that happen you ask? Because I got mad at him in his face. Why would I EVER POSSIBLY do that, hmm? DYLAN, HE WAS THE BROTHER YOU NEVER WERE. HE WAS WITH ME ALWAYS. HE NEVER ONCE IGNORED OR NEGLECTED ME, YES WE FOUGHT BUT THAT MADE US GROW CLOSER. so there you go that why my leg looks like a murder scene." I said as I got up in his face, him shocked."Y/n i-"
"no it's fine really, I've learnt my lesson no need to be lectured by dad again, oh wait that's right you act like him because HES GONE." I yelled, cutting open an old scar as I stormed out of the chateau.
A/n: this is only part 1, it's longish compared to my others and the format is bad but I hope y'all liked it. I thought of this while doing a survey in English class but I hope its good 💀

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