Battle of New York City (Part 2)

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Arrow blinked, more so pissed off he was actually hit. He shook his head rapidly as he rolled over on his stomach. "I'm good, just a ricochet!" He shouted as he pushed himself up. He groaned as he continued to push forward behind all the roadblocks and piles of debris, arriving at the Broad Street intersection. The rest of the team followed as Sandman shouted again.

"Friendlies ahead, hold your fire!"

Truck turned to Grinch, being a smartass, "That means don't shoot them, Grinch!"

"Yeah, no shit." Grinch rolled his eyes as the Rangers ahead continued to hold their positions with the support of two Strykers.

Sandman slid next to Arrow, motioning for his squad to re-group on the two. "Eyes on the Exchange! Left side, dead ahead!"

Truck nodded as the entire squad joined the pair, "Roger, I see it!"

Immediately a platoon of Russians came flooding out of the building as Grinch and Arrow raised their weapons, opening fire on the advancing troops cutting down some of the advancing force. "Contact front, hostiles in the open!"

Arrow rose again, lining up a shot as a Hind flew into the street down behind the Russians, "Oh shit!"

Truck shouted, "Heads up! Bird incoming!"

Sandman immediately turned right, running to one of the nearby apartments, he stopped turning to his team, "Get off the street! Go right! Go right! C'mon, Frost, let's go!"

Frost, being the last in the group, turned and ran as Arrow paused, turning back to her and grabbed her arm and yanked her forward as cannon fire from the helicopter strafed the spot she was just at. He let go of her arm as the group reached the apartment and entered the room, exiting through a nearby hole in the wall into the alleyway where Truck turned his head to Sandman as the group paused for a slight halt. "So what's the game plan?"

"Same as before. Burn the jammer, kill the bad guys."

Grinch grinned, "I like it." Arrow and Frost nodded their heads as the team pushed forward up the stairs. Sandman turned around, his team was still all accounted for. He whipped around facing the front.

"Up the stairs! On me! Grinch, Truck, Arrow, hold here till my signal. Frost, with me."

"Rog!" Grinch shouted as Sandman and Frost pushed ahead. Grinch turned to Arrow, "Got your eyes on Frost?"

Arrow was taken back by the question, "Huh?"

"You know, you like her?" Grinch's face turned into a smug look.

"Sure I suppose." Arrow shook his head and continued aiming down his sights.

Truck laughed, "She's called Frost for a reason. She doesn't show emotions to anyone and rejects anyone instantly."

Arrow tilted his head, nodding, "Nice."

Gunfire continued to erupt further up ahead as he exhaled. He needed to go join the fight. "Relax Arrow, the two are fine. So, where did you fight before here?"

"DC. I was there for every step of the battle." Arrow replied as he kept his guard up.

Both Grinch and Truck responded immediately, "Jesus Christ. You made it out of that alive?"

Arrow nodded, "I even was there for the flare igniting on the White House." Arrow turned his head, "I'll tell y'all after this."

"Holding you to it, I want to hear a good story!"

The gunfire above ceased as the radio transmission came through, "Grinch, Truck, Arrow, tighten up. Maintain the timeline, we need to hit the Exchange."

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