Old man's on the line

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The helicopter landed as the team onboard hopped off, linking up with the SEAL team nearby as Sandman moved off to a tent to report and obtain new mission objectives. Truck and Grinch immediately began to converse with the SEAL team as Frost began to inventory their equipment. Arrow stood back hesitantly as he felt extremely out of place, the forward dock was being reinforced every minute as fresh US troops rushed into the area.

"Wounded coming through, wounded coming through!" A voice shouted as Arrow turned his head, spotting the soldiers, the wounded was a young Private who sucked through his teeth managing the pain as Arrow closed his eyes, remembering his chaotic fights in DC. At least here there was help and hope. He sniffled, turning his gaze away as he opened his mouth slightly, rotating his jaw.

"Once you see it, it numbs you." Frost stood behind him, her clipboard was by her waist as she glanced at the wounded soldier.

Arrow nodded slowly as he clicked his tongue, exhaling. "These boys are lucky, they have help." Arrow shook his head as he turned back to the distant intensifying battle on the other side of the shore. "We have a goal in sight, it's not just stopping them anymore."

Frost blinked as she glanced down at her feet, trying to figure out what he was referring to. "We've always had help, what do you mean?"

Arrow paused, collecting his thoughts as he turned his head to Frost, "Were you in DC?"

Frost shook her head. "I... was deployed into southern Virginia with the rest of the team. We were enroute but we were ordered to stage for a counter attack in case DC fell." She paused, looking up and into her savior's eyes. "What was it like? Please don't spare me the details."

Arrow stared off as the waves of US infantry flooded into the camp. "My unit was stationed at the White House, everyone was evacuated under our care. The enemy tore through our lines in the West and my brother was killed in the fighting. Everywhere you looked, there was... despair." He paused, finding his words. "My buddies kept asking when the fighting would end, when they could just rest and go home. Wounded just kept piling up in evacuation centers, no one could get them out. We had to send wounded soldiers who could fight back off to the lines." He shook his head again. "None came back."

Frost glanced down as she regretted asking. "I'm sorry Arrow, I didn't mean to-"

Arrow held up his hand, "No it's fine. That's why I'm cold because DC wasn't a battle for ground, it was a fight for our survival the entire time. Our story has to be told."

Sandman cleared his throat as the rest of the team gathered around Frost. "Back to business. Rest is over."

Truck crossed his arms, "Objective?"

"The Russian command vessel is an Oscar-II submarine carrying enough cruise missiles to level the entire Eastern seaboard. We need to strike fast before they can launch a counter attack. Infiltrate the vessel, take over the bridge, then turn their weapons against their own fleet." Everyone blinked upon hearing this mission.

"Are you serious?"

"Us, taking over a submarine?"

"This ought to be fun." Arrow crossed his arms as the rest of the team looked at him as if he was insane. Sandman turned to Arrow and nodded to the side as he needed to talk after this. He turned his head back to the team.

"Kit up, boys."

Grinch nodded but asked his question anyways, "Where's our infil point?"

"Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel."

Truck snapped his head slightly to the side, puzzled. "I thought it collapsed.

Truck snapped his head slightly to the side, puzzled. "I thought it collapsed.

"It did." The others stepped away as Sandman turned his head to Arrow. "Seems there's more to you than you show. You got a call waiting for you." He lifted his sat phone for Arrow to use. "Tell the old man to come to the party next time."

Arrow confused, just nodded in response. He lifted the phone to his ear, "Arrow on the line."

"Arrow, it's Price." Arrow's eyes narrowed as his mood became serious and alert. "Just seeing how you're holding up son. Is the rescue still going on?"

Arrow turned to Sandman who nodded, they would assist. "Roger that Cap. Got caught up in other business first though."

"I know, I watched. Nice round to the head though. You had everyone here worried."

"That's a fucking first sir." His tone turned acidic as Frost stepped nearby, eavesdropping as best as she could.

Price leaned back against the tree as Roach and Soap stood outside. Both were moving and recovering well under Ivy's treatments. "Watch the tone kid, we aren't happy either."

Arrow closed his eyes. "Sorry about that, it slipped."

"I know your anger, and it's all too well justified. Ivy wanted to kill her, but I want to hear it. What do you hold against her?"

"After all I did for her sir, she tossed me away. She let me get tortured, she hesitated on killing me after raising her gun to my head. Then when I try to move on, she wants to get back into my life and act like she matters still. Especially after telling me to kill myself sir." Arrow hissed out as his emotions began to pour out into his lines, lacing every word with acid. Frost paused, whoever this bitch was, she would need to be restrained if she ever saw her. Arrow turned his head, catching a glimpse of her hair as she walked away with anger in her stride.

He shook his head as now she was upset over something. He turned back to Sandman, still on the phone with Price. "Sir, we need to depart. The team will be reunited soon."

"Good luck kid. Keep your head down now." Price hung up as Arrow turned the phone back over to Sandman who accepted the device back.

"Now I can see why you're special. You're with Price's unit and Shepherd's unit. Old man vouched for you all the way." Sandman nodded and stuck out his hand. "Frost will be assisting you in finding their safehouse, don't worry. The old man also knows about her. He also agreed with a proposal, but that'll have to wait after this."

Arrow nodded while pondering what this meant. Sandman paused and looked up at Arrow. "We take this boat, we complete the mission, and Frost will be assigned with you from now on. Take care of her."

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