1.New Home

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Shu's pov

I'm currently in the airport with y/n. She seems to have cry in the morning which aches my heart. My flight is about to take off in 5 minutes but the thought of leaving y/n is unbearable.
I don't want to leave her but if I don't, she'll never be able to take care of herself.I bet she'll find someone who will take care of her soon enough but until then I want to be there for her.

Standing in front of the plane, I was scared for her. She'll have a lot of trouble without me around but I need to let go. I won't be here for her forever and I have to let her out of her comfort zone. I looked at her, tears were starting to form which made my heart aches.

"y/n don't worry, we'll meet at the championship and I'm sure you'll become so much stronger. You have already defeated a big four member so I'm sure you'll reach the top." shu said.

I expected her to cry and not be able to accept this but she did something unexpected. She looked up at me and gave a big smile. I was surprised at this behavior but was happy that she
was crying anymore. I wiped her forming tears and gave a hug which she happily returned.

"she has grown up."shu thought.

"Don't worry, I'm not alone. There's the bey club whom love and would take care of me.So don't stress yourself out because of me. "y/n said.

" Yep that's true. You are all grown up now, you don't cry like you did when dad left for america. Bet you also have a crush on someone."shu jokingly said

"A crush?"y/n questioned with a confused look.

"don't tell me that you don't have a crush. Almost all young girls have crushes."shu said with disbelief.

"sorry but I haven't found the lucky one.But we never know, I might find his sooner than I think."y/n chuckled.

"well, he will still need my permission to be your boyfriend. He needs to be caring,respectful, - "shu said.

"wait, why are you deciding that for me. Shouldn't I do that. Plus the man I choose will be the perfect man.
He'll be handsome, strong, smart, caring and respectful.I bet that he will win your heart."y/n said.

" OK,OK. No need to get angry.Seems like I have to go now. Bye y/n and stay strong without me. "shu said with a smile.

" yeah bye..."y/n sadly said.

I hug y/n one last time before walking to my plane. I turn around at the last step, looking at y/n who's waving goodbye with a bright smile. I smile and enter the plane to my next challenge.

Y/n's pov

As the plane shu took left, I let my tears flow down my face. I had to force a smile, I didn't want to upset shu before he leave.

"don't worry, you are not the only one upset about shu leaving." athena said.

"yeah l don't have to worry, I have you." I said while wiping her tears.

I reached in my pocket, taking my bey
out and said "we're going to be the best!".

Flashback end

Arthor's pov

"y/n wake up, we have landed, come on we need to get off." ??? said.

"5 more minutes shu..." y/n said

"I'm not shu and wake up!" ??? said.

"Honcho?" y/n questioned as she slowly opens her eyes.

"yeah that's my name. Now wake up, we need to go there first for the surprise." Honcho said.

" surprise?, oh! Yeah we need to get there before valt." y/n replied.

" well? , what are you waiting for? Come on let's go! " Honcho said as he took his luggage and goes out.

Y/n quickly grab her luggage and follow Honcho out of the airport. They were in Spain, the hometown of BC SOL , El ASTRO.

" I'm still surprise that they didn't offer me to join the team directly. Like come on, do I really have to do the tryouts." honcho complained.

"maybe they don't think you're as impressive as me and valt?"y/n asked.

" yeah maybe. Valt and you sure are amazing, so it's no wonder you guys will get in without tryouts."Honcho replied.

" don't worry I sure you will ace the tryouts. " y/n said with a smile.

" of course I'm gonna ace it!Then we all will be on the same team just like good old times. "Honcho said with a grin.

"ok, now let's go to our new home."
y/n said while chuckling.

"yeah!" Honcho yelled.

Honcho and y/n asked for directions and walk to their new home. Excited for the new adventures that awaits them.

Hope y'all enjoy the first part. Correct me if I made mistakes and please give me ideas and suggestions for this story. Have a good day y'all!

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