3.first Crush!?

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Y/n's pov

I woke up with the chirping of birds and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I wore my usual outfit.

(everyone on this anime wore the same set of clothes given to them the entire season 😂).

A dark pink top with a black thigh high skirt and a demain jacket on top.
There was also my white belt which hold my bet and launcher.

(copied the outfit from freefanshufan cause I have zero sense in fashion 😂. Go show her some love after reading this, her story is amazing.)

I then headed to the practice area where there was many people scattered around and I found Honcho in the crowd.As I got closer I noticed that he had a weird expression on his face and with a confused face asked him : "are you nervous or excited? I can't tell."

"nervous? My opponents should be nervous! I'm super excited for this!" Honcho yelled.

"alright keep that excitement for later. Anyways where's valt?" I asked.

"no news from him. Did he get lost or something." Honcho said.

"what!? he should have been here by yesterday." I said, worried for valt.

We then everyone stop talking as Kris and trad came in with a little kid who turn out to be valt.

"speak of the devil." Honcho said to which I chuckled.Valt after spotting us ran excitedly towards us.

"hey guys! Why are you here!? Did you came all the way here to cheer for me? You shouldn't have." valt cheerfully asked.

Honcho got angry while I just signed at him.we explain to him about our surprise and got to know that he'll have to do the tryouts as punishment.
I had no doubt that valt and Honcho will ace the tryouts but who will win the finals between them and whom should I cheer for?

Timeskip (cause I'm too lazy to write the entire script)

Honcho and valt both won their first battle and the look of the bladers who lost was a mix of anger and sadness.

"seems like he really wanted to be part of this team." I said.

"I never knew that this team was so popular." valt said.

(y'all ready for your prince charming on his white horse ... Uhh ... Golden dragon? to make his entry!)

"huh?...there are still people out there who haven't even heard of us..." a voice from behind said.

I turned around and look up at a blond boy.The expression of my face changed from a normal one to a blushing face and widen eyes along with an agape mouth.

" do you feel sick? What's with that face? "asked athena.

" no.... "I mumbled still blushing.

I regained my composure but still was blushing.I look back him and saw him staring at me before looking at the other blader.My heart was beating at a fast pace and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

" he has dreamy eyes... "I thought.

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