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Y/n's pov

I woke up at around 6:30 with free on my mind. Athena teased me but I ignored it as I got ready for my weekly morning yoga,something to calm myself.

While meditating I think about close ones like parents, friends or shu but today I thought of someone different.

I imagined myself walking in the forest and met the deer. As I patted its
head, I heard a low "you're back..." from behind.

I opened my eyes, flustered that I was now thinking about him more. I tried again but in vain as he once again invaded my thoughts and left me in a flustered state.

"(giggling)thinking about someone special it seems." athena teased.

"(sighs) let's just focus on the important thing." I said.

"yeah, we need to start free's drawing."

"(blush) not that! The new launch!"

"Come on we all know free's drawing is more important."

"(blushing) no, it isn't!" I whined.

"(smiles)whatever you say." athena teased.

I got ready and went to get breakfast. I met valt, Honcho and Kitt talking to the woman over there. I didn't get to meet her since I've joined.

" The food smells amazing, ma'am." I said.

" Well thank you, I'm ange.We're all family here so let's get a habit of using each other's names." she replied.

"All over it!good morning ange!" valt said.

"(smiles) good morning ange!" I said.

"much better! Feels like we're closer already!"

We took an empty table and began eating. I noticed that free was not here and was a bit sadden by this.

"Already want to see your prince charming, huh?" athena teased.

"(blush)quit it! Let me eat in peace, please." I thought.

Athena didn't stop and continue teasing me. I ignored her as Kris and trad is entering the room.

"Good morning team. Hope you slept well. Today I received word that
Sunbat United has challenge us to a friendly battle." Kris said.

"(confused)what's a sunbat?" valt asked.

"sunbat united is the hottest team around. From what I heard, they are scouting for some unbelievable talent." shasa said.

"weird name. A sun and a bat and they are united? Wait do bats even like the sun?" I thought.

"The owner must be a weird person." athena said.

"definitely." I thought.

"I know that it's on short notice but there's no point wasting a good opportunity." Kris said.

"here count me in! I want to have a go at them!" valt shouted.

"they don't stand a chance against us!" Honcho shouted.

Everyone stared at us as I stare down at my food in embarrassment.

"I swear I'm more mature than these two despite the age difference." I thought.

"please refrain from interrupting the owner." trad strictly said.

"I want to stress that I'm counting on you all to win, don't fail me." Kris said

Trad gave the details about the match that was gonna take place in 10 days.There'll be a test to decide the team.The B team that we're part of,can also participate but we'll have to prove ourselves against free.The team will consist of 4 blader. With free as the team leader, there's 3 bladers who will get chosen.

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