Chapter 11

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2 months later...

"Lucy, have you had a chance to look at the file I left on your desk?" Will asked as I leaned back in my chair to look at him.

"No, I haven't had time. I'm still working on last week's." I replied as he chuckled awkwardly.

"Good luck then..." he replied, laughing slightly while I rolled my eyes, feeling the insincerity in his words.

I had been working for the secret services for a month and a half, and I was so covered in happiness and luck that I had earned the right to help the agent who handles the archives. I found myself scanning reports that were probably older than I am.

Not to mention that Will, Camilla, and I were assigned to the same block, which meant that I couldn't even work in peace because they were asking me something every two seconds.

But the most annoying part was that Will and Camilla had already completed two or three missions while I was stuck sitting at a boring desk, with nothing else to do but draw little cats in the corner of a sheet of paper.

As I pushed my chair forward to continue typing the contents of the file on my computer I put my headphones back on, watching Will wave for me to take them off.


"Did you hear the news?" He asked while I looked at him, extremely annoyed.

He nodded his head in the direction of the supervisor's desk, urging me to pay attention as I crossed my arms, rolling up my sleeves slightly.

"Will, if this is just gossip I told you that-" I started to complain as he shook his head in refusal, raising his eyebrows.

"Listen to me. There was an attack in New York, a huge thing that even included a bomb."

Another bomb...?

I raised an eyebrow.

"And why does this concern me...?" I asked him as he softly hit my shoulder, checking if there was anyone around.

"Don't you have friends there...?" he asked as my eyes widened, betraying my surprise as he let out a sad but soft smile.

It's been a long time since I contacted them...

Since I had to "disappear", in fact...

I looked him in the eye.

"I have a few friends, but they don't live there, so it's okay..." I tried to reassure myself as he shrugged his shoulders.

I glanced over the other end of the office, noticing our supervisor had gone outside.

"How did you find out, by the way?" I finally asked him as he crossed his arms.

"A certain Kyle, who called you at least 7 times on your phone while you were at the coffee machine, asking if you were 'okay'..." he added as I felt like my jaw could hit the ground while I stood up from my chair, in shock.


"Whoa, calm down!" Will quickly remarked as he grabbed my arm, forcing me to sit back down.

I let my arms drop off the chair, my heart beating slightly faster with adrenaline.

"Hey, calm down, from what I heard on the phone, your boyfriend was fine?" he answered calmly as I furiously nodded in refusal.

"He's not my boyfriend!! We were just neighbors!!" I quickly explained in a mix of anger and panic, while he laughed.

I stared at him, slightly shocked.

Escaping from terror - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now