Kidnapped 1

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Before she use nen something or someone grabbed her arm and put her so sleep
                              ~2 hours later~
Machi starts to wake up but she hears 2 men speaking about her so she presented to continue to sleep
Man 1:So this is the girl you been talking about?
Man 2:Yes sir.
Man 1:Okay Alex you did a great job but wait her to wake up then you will start to ask the questions
Alex:Of course.
The other man leaves and Alex waits Machi to wake up
Machi:Who the f*ck are you?
Alex:Good morning princess how are you???
Alex:God I was playing good but looks like you hate it.
Alex starts to use his nen
Alex:If you won't shut your mouth I will remind you your little past with the old 4th remember of the spiders(The old 4th remember is the man before Hisoka)
Machi wanted to scream after remembering what happened with him.
Machi:*In mind*W-what t-type o-of d-dark a-aura i-is t-this?j-just d-don't s-scream...
          ~Meanwhile with the Phantom Troupe~
Chrollo:It's been 2 hours where is she
Feitan:I'm sure she is fine boss
Phinks:Yeah she can use nen if something happens
Chrollo:It's not like that if something happened to her and she remember what happened in past she won't be able to use nen
Shizuku:You're right...
Chrollo:I will go to find out what happened want to come?
Feitan:Sure let's call Illumi to he is good at this
Feitan calls Illumi and tells him what happened and asks him to come and he says yes
Feitan:He said yes
Chrollo:Thank god, come on let's go

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