Double date

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Kyle comes picks you up Friday night to go to your double date. You get in the car and see Wendy and Stan making out on the back. "Hey guys..." "welcome to my life" Kyle smiles while putting the car in reverse and starts driving. You get to the movie theater and go inside. Stan and Wendy sit basically on top of each other making out. "Bro the movie didn't even start yet.." you whisper to Kyle "ik it's bad.. I'm just glad you're here so I have someone to talk to." You smile at Kyle while watch the trailers waiting for your movie to start. You get cold cause movie theaters are some reason always cold and you look over at Kyle who also has his arms crossed trying to keep his arms warm which he unfortunately wore short sleeves. You put up the middle arm rest between your chairs and scoot close to Kyle. He smiles and wraps his arm around you. Of course this makes Stan and Wendy look over "awwww" "shut up it's cold" you say "y'all look like a couple even when no one's watching" Wendy Teases which makes you red. Good thing it was dark. After the movie everyone goes over Stan's house since his parents arnt home. "Me and Wendy will be back.." Stan says as him and Wendy walk up stairs giving kyle the nod. "They will be back in 10" Kyle says "ew" you both laugh. "So what should we do" kyle asks "we could make a TikTok!!!" You say giving him a big smile. "Y/n I don't do TikTok's" "Well that changes today" you say standing up from the couch pulling him up. You and him try to do a dance tiktok but it didn't go well so you just made a funny lip sing one. After you make it you both are laughing and you turn to look at eachother at the same time and your faces get close. You lock eyes and your heart speeds up at the thought of him kissing you "hey we're back" Stan says walking downstairs as you both back away from each other. Both your faces are red. The group end up talking the rest of the night. Kyle drives everyone home and you wave at Kyle before getting out of his car. You go upstairs and go to bed.

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