Recovered but broken

534 11 4

Time jump

You and Kyle are now feeling better and are healed. His arm is still in his cast. While you were recovering you spent a lot of time taking care of each other and cuddling. Your feelings for Kyle have only grew and you don't know if he feels the same way.

At Wendy's house

The girls are at Wendy's talking " hey guys can I ask for some advice" "ya sure y/n what's up" "how do I tell Kyle I don't want to fake date anymore" "WHAT no you guys can't fake break up" bebe says "no bebe I don't want to fake date I want to really date" "awww y/n" Wendy's says hugging you tight "you need to just tell him how you feel" "ask him to meet you at the park and tell him" "I'm scared... I don't think I can do this" bebe takes your phone and starts typing "too late you're in now!" "Bebe what did you do" you grab the phone and see

Kyle <3
Hey I want to talk about something can we meet at the park?

Kyle <3
Sure I'll see you in 10

"BEBE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!! Idk what I'm going to say!! What if he doesn't like me back" you start to pace around the room "y/n relax he definitely likes you" you sigh terrified "I don't want to go alone..." "me and bebe will come and hide behind a bush while you guys talk" Wendy says "ok." You put your coat on and walk to the park you see Kyle standing my the pond in his jacket and hat. Bebe and Wendy hid about 50 feet away from you guys.

You walk up to Kyle "Hey ky" "hey n/n" "how are you?" "I'm good, what did you want to talk about?" he look at you with his pretty green eyes and you observe his red nose cause it's freezing out, his curls poping out of his hat, his freckles on his cheeks. You get nervous and look down "I don't want to fake date anymore... I want to-" before you could finish he interrupts and say "that's ok it was fun while it lasted." Kyle says "wait no I didn't mean it like that I ment-" you say " y/n it's ok... It was a pleasure doing business with you. I'll see you later y/n" he haft smiles and walks away. Your heart drops... and you start to tear up standing there frozen watching him walk away. Wendy and bebe run to you "y/n what happened???" "Why is he walking away" "what's wrong" the girls say confused as they did not hear the conversation. "We ended things for good..." the girls look at each other before comforting you as you start crying. The girls hug you and are confused on what went wrong.

Everyone walks back to Wendy's house and are watching girly movies when Wendy gets a call from Stan. She leave the room and answers it

*Wendy's and Stan's phone call *


"Hey Wendy! What happened with y/n and Kyle? Kyle is all depressed all of a sudden"

"Y/n went to tell Kyle she didn't want to fake date anymore cause she wanted to real date but Kyle jumped to conclusions before she could explain"

"Shit what do we do... they both were in love with each other"

" idk stan... Do you think they are going to talk at school tomorrow?"

"I Dout it Kyle couldn't even tell me what happened he just canceled on our plan to hangout"

"We need to find a way to get them back together"

"Idk how when they both just got heartbroken by each other"

"Fuck idk but we will figure something out. Let the guys know and see if they have any ideas"

"Operation get them back together is a go"

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