Please stay

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You wake up the next morning to someone sitting your bed. You open your eyes to see Kyle "look who's finally awake" he says smirking. You don't say anything you just sit up and hug him. You both hug each other tight and let out a simultaneous ow as you lay back down. "You you feeling?" Kyle asks as he gives you a sad smile. You observe his busted lip, the bruises on him, his neon green cast on his arm. "I'm ok... how are you" "I'm good just a broken arm and some whiplash" he says. You smile as he takes your hand. The doctor comes in and tells you that you can get discharged from the hospital. They wheel you out to the parking lot and you go home. You are in your room with the lights off cause concussion protocol. You nap a little then you wake up To a little knock on your door. "Come In" you say softly. Kyle opens the door with some things in his hand. "Hey I got you some things to do while you are bed rest." He hands you a coloring book with some color pencils and some of your fav snacks. "Thank you Kyle" "I'm going to go and let you get some sleep cause I can tell your tired" "wait kyle" you gran his sleeve to his shirt stoping him. He turns and looks at you. "stay" You say quietly. He kinda hears you "what?" "Please stay with me" He nods and craws next to you in bed being extra careful. You put your head on his shoulders and cuddle till both of you fall asleep.

Your friends come over to visit you. Your mom opens the door "hi guys she's upstairs in her room!" They walk in and see you and Kyle cuddling and sleeping "aww" Everyone says. "And he thought she didn't like him" Stan says "wait what"
Wendy said "Kyle likes her but thinks she doesn't like him" Stan explain "no way y/n likes Kyle but thinks Kyle doesn't like her!" Wendy Says excitingly! "We need to get them together fr! no more of this faking bullshit" Kenny says. Everyone agrees as Kyle wakes up and sees them. "Oh hey guys" he says with his sleepy voice. "How are you bud?" Stan asks "I'm ok I just feel horrible I did this to y/n" he looks at your bruised face. "Hey this wasn't your fault!" Bebe says "you both are ok so there is nothing to worry about" red says "ya ig I just feel bad" Kyle says "don't feel bad I'm ok" you say opening your eyes smiling shocking everyone cause they didn't know you were awake. Everyone hangs out at your place a little but keeps it very lokey and quite cause your head is pounding.  Everyone signs kyles cast and you put a heart by your name. Everyone leaves and you fall Back to sleep!

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