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"Hi, hoon!", said Mirae with a joyous smile, glad to be finally free from her tight schedule. She only had one entirely free day and to be honest, she wouldn't mind spending it with her fake boyfriend.

Mirae and Sunghoon has the entire public fooled with their fake relationship. They've been to various variety shows, interviews and have interacted with each other a lot. They've done a lot of content together as it was rare for two 4th gen idols to be openly dating and the disappointment of the fans when they find out that all this was a publicity stunt would be unimaginable. 

Sunghoon's eyes lit up when he finally spotted Mirae, he was glad to see her. Even though they weren't close Sunghoon really liked her presence and enjoyed being around her. They decided to meet up at the SM ent building and hang near Mirae's dorm. 

Mirae's dorm was right next to Mark's so she had to be careful not to scream (again) and have fun quietly.

Mirae decided to get her uno cards because it was a fun game and why not?

"So hoon, do you know how to play uno?" Asked Mirae whilst looking for her Uno cards.

"Yep, I do, what about you?"

"Why would I be asking you if I didn't know how to play?"

"Sorry, that's just an automatic response at this point"

"Don't worry about i- OH I've finally found the cards." Said Mirae and started setting them up on her bed.


"You're cheating?! There is absolutely NO way you could've won!" Mirae scoffed

"It's call bending the rules, Mi. Now time for the loser's punishment."

"Wait what? What punishme-" Mirae's words were cut off by laughter as Sunghoon started tickling her.

After a minute if tickling, Mirae and Sunghoon ended up in the classic yet cliché position which was Sunghoon on top of Mirae.

Both of them froze in place and started at each other for a little too long and then she heard a kinck on the door which made Mirae finally move to open the door.

"Hey u, Mirae I was hearing A lot of shouting earlier and um I was wondering if you were okay but now that you're here that's clearly true.", To Mirae's surprise, it was Mark again.

"Yeah yeah I'm thanks for checking up." Mirae was embarrassed, just exactly how many times had Mark heard her scream?

But It was true, their game of Uno consisted of A LOT of screaming and 'bending the rules' according to Sunghoon.

Now back to akward situation Mirae and Sunghoon. They were avoiding eye contact and all that shit but now Mirae felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Is it all the coffee I've been drinking? Or is it my weekly dose of panic attacks, if so, yayy I'm so glad this has to happen right now." Thought Mirae as she started to think that she was gonna die due to not breathing properly.

"Oh such a great time to have a panic attack but anyways I'm gonna sit down now and try to control my breathing. Fuck my life."

So Mirae sat down on her bed and tried to breathe and convince herself she wasn't dying forgetting presence of Sunghoon entirely.

Sunghoon was on his phone but then he noticed that Mirae looked troubled. "Hey Mirae? You okay? You look like you're gonna pass out."

The reason for her passing out look was that she was constantly dizzy but having a panic attack makes that dizziness ten times worse.

"Uh I dont know I guess?" Mirae replied still trying to even out her breathing.

Sunghoon came to the conclusion that she was having a panic attack but didn't know how to make it better. What he did was probably not the best solution for Mirae's panic attack but he hugged her.

"I swear to god in going to die someone send help I'm too young to die I still have to see my shitty ass stylist and still have to have the movie night with Jisung. I haven't even had bubblegum ice cream yet. I feel like I'm good going to die now it's so hard to breathe, i can't goddamn breathe fuck fuck fuck fu- wait why is everything so comforting right now?

"IM GONNA KMS I'M BEING HIGGED BY MY EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE FRIEND? £+£+(#(£+3+3++*7£++4(2+3+3+3. Did I just speak in numbers? Wait I can breathe now- I'm so glad that I finally can oh gosh I'm not crushing on him right? Why are my god dang thoughts so scattered send help." But Mirae's actions contradicted her scattered thoughts as she dug her face deeper in Sunghoon's chest because she needed someone to comfort her and here he was.

They stayed like that for a while before Sunghoon's phone rang, it was Jungwon who called to remind Sunghoon that he was an hour late to practice.

"Bye Mirae! Uno was a simple game we should play monoply next time, I'd have fun ruining your caj ces of winning in that too!" said Sunghoon before leaving.

"Bye hoon! Fuck you too!!" Replied Mirae and flopped down on her bed and fell asleep.


Mirae woke up to a text from an unknown number and it was truly the most terrifying thing she'd read idol-wise.


Hi Mirae, I thought you should know that I know your brother is Song Mingi of Ateez

I also know that you've kissed Choi Yeonjun from Tommorow by Together.

I will be releasing this picture to the public and all the news I've mentioned above and your career will be ruined

I hope you  have a good day.


It was safe to say Mirae was fucking terrified, No one and by that literally no one except her and Yeonjun knew that they shared a kiss.

What was even worse was that

This was on Mirae's private number not even her company knew about.


I hope you all liked the chapter and the plot I added at the end

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